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145 Writing Puns That Will Ink-credibly Make You Laugh

Puns make the writing world go round, and there’s nothing better than a cleverly crafted wordplay to brighten your day!

In this ultimate guide, you’ll find over 145 writing puns organized by theme, sure to bring smiles to your face. Let’s dive in!

Ink and Pen Puns

  • Writing with a fountain pen is so ink-redible.
  • Pen it down, or it might just slip inkognito.
  • I’ve got this writing thing ink the bag.
  • The pen is mighter than the sword, but only if it’s properly inked.
  • Calligraphy? That’s just fancy penmanship.
  • My fountain pen is running dry; guess it’s time for a re-fill-osophy.
  • When it comes to penmanship, I always make my mark.
  • Gel pens? I’m a-mazed by their smooth inkgenuity.
  • Don’t ink too hard, you might run out of ideas!
  • He pensively considered his next sentence.
  • When writing puns, I always stay within my ink-spertise.
  • Writing with a quill just feathers my imagination.
  • Fountain pens: because the ink flows like poetry.
  • Pen your thoughts or ink them forever.
  • My penmanship is just write, or should I say, “ink-redible”?

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Pencil and Eraser Puns

  • My pencil is always on point.
  • I’m very graph-iteful for my pencil.
  • Don’t erase my mistakes—they’re part of my char-coal.
  • That pun was so sharp, it could use a pencil.
  • You’ll always get a second chance with a pencil—it’s erasable!
  • My ideas are as solid as lead, but I still use a pencil.
  • Life’s too short to use dull pencils.
  • Pencil it in, but make sure it’s the write time.
  • The eraser was rubbing me the wrong way.
  • Pencils are sketchy, but they draw the best conclusions.
  • He leads the pack, but sometimes goes off-line.
  • That idea? It’s as smudged as a bad pencil stroke.
  • My pencil sketches out the rough ideas before the ink flows.
  • Don’t worry about mistakes; they’re easily erased.
  • When my ideas break, I just sharpen my pencil and keep going.

Paper and Notebook Puns

  • I had a notebook full of puns, but it was tearable.
  • Paper might be thin, but it’s loaded with ideas.
  • You can’t crumple my creativity—it’s on a roll.
  • My notebook is where all my ideas paper over.
  • I was drawn to that sketchpad for good reason.
  • This joke has a lot of paper-tial.
  • You might fold under pressure, but I always crease with ease.
  • I’ll write that down in my notebook before it slips away.
  • These paper jokes might not be rip-roaring, but they’re still good.
  • Notebooks are just blank pages waiting to be filled with puns.
  • Paper cuts are the most pulp-able injuries.
  • Don’t get me wrong, paper jokes always deliver.
  • My notebook has pages of possibilities!
  • Write down that idea before it vanishes into thin air.
  • The stationery section? It’s my happy paper place.

writing puns

Grammar and Syntax Puns

  • Comma on, you knew I’d make that joke.
  • I’m exclaiming! This is just too good to period-ly resist.
  • Grammar can be tense sometimes.
  • My grammar is gooder than yours. (Oops!)
  • This pun is too clause to call.
  • Apostrophe misuse? That’s a catastrophe!
  • Dangling modifiers? I’m left hanging.
  • Hyphen? More like high-fun!
  • Stop with the contractions! I can’t take it!
  • Grammar? It’s a sentence to serve a lifetime.
  • I misplaced my modifier and now I’m lost.
  • That sentence had a run-on joke. Period.
  • Grammar nerds always have the final word.
  • I love puns, but spelling errors? They’re the “write” kind of wrong.
  • This pun was misplaced in the syntax of my brain.

Typing and Technology Puns

  • I type like a pro—I’m key to success.
  • My keyboard’s space bar is always giving me room to think.
  • Writing puns on a laptop? Now, that’s enter-taining.
  • Caps lock is how I express my excitement in large doses.
  • I shift my ideas into overdrive when inspiration strikes.
  • My space bar is the only thing that keeps me grounded.
  • Control yourself, these puns are out of this world!
  • I’m just pressing my luck with these puns.
  • Backspace if this joke hits too hard.
  • I’m quite the character when it comes to wordplay.
  • QWERTYuiop? More like QWERTY-genius!
  • This pun’s so good, it should come with a CTRL+Z.
  • You’ve got to ALT-er your perspective to appreciate these puns.
  • F1? More like Fun-key puns!
  • These typing jokes just won’t quit—no escape!

Author and Book Puns

  • That book was spine-tinglingly good.
  • I tried writing a novel, but I got the plot twisted.
  • This author’s ideas? Totally novel.
  • My book? It’s a page-turner.
  • No shelf control when it comes to a good book.
  • My story? Bound to be a bestseller.
  • When books fall apart, they unravel.
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover, unless it’s pun-filled.
  • I wrote that story because I felt in-spired.
  • I’m booked solid with good ideas.
  • That novel was so captivating, I couldn’t put it down—literally.
  • The plot thickens, but my tea remains the same.
  • A great author? Now, that’s an open book.
  • You can read between the lines, but my story’s just write.
  • Fiction writers—always making up stories!

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Bonus Puns

  • Writing puns is my forte—it’s music to your ears.
  • I’d make a pun about fish, but it’s too deep for this list.
  • I tried cooking up puns, but they always end up half-baked.
  • I’ve got so many puns, it’s knot even funny anymore.
  • Lettuce turn over a new leaf of wordplay.
  • The bakery of puns is always rising.
  • I’m snowed under with puns that’ll ice your mind.
  • I’m egg-specting a lot of laughter from these puns.
  • My gardening jokes are really growing on people.
  • I made a calendar pun, but it didn’t date well.
  • Mushroom for more puns? I’ve got plenty to spare.
  • My bread puns are on a roll!
  • Ice cream, you scream, we all scream for puns.
  • I’m inclined to think these puns will make you laugh.
  • I’d tell you a construction pun, but I’m still working on it.
  • Want a pun about coffee? I’ll espresso it to you.
  • Puns about paper? Fold me in.
  • Baking jokes? I dough them all the time.
  • I tried climbing the ladder of puns, but I got rung out.
  • I only make my puns when the stars align.
  • Fish puns? I’m hooked.
  • I used to make chemistry puns, but I lost my reaction.
  • I’m on a roll with these puns—sandwich jokes are layered.
  • You want a tree pun? That wood be great!
  • Rock puns? They’re sedimentary, my dear Watson.
  • My fruit puns are un-peel-ievable.
  • I made a clock pun, but time got away from me.
  • The battery pun didn’t charge anyone up.
  • My sewing jokes? Sew good!
  • I’ve got window puns—they really pane people.
  • Broom jokes? They really sweep the floor.
  • When I make farming jokes, I always harvest a laugh.
  • My battery jokes? They’re shocking.
  • Did you hear about the math pun? It just didn’t add up.
  • I’m “up to speed” with my car puns.
  • Ladder jokes? They’re rung-tastic!
  • Glue puns? They’re sticking around.
  • What do you call a musical pun? A clef-er one.
  • Bowling puns? I’ve struck gold!
  • I’m nuts about peanut butter jokes.
  • Tennis puns? A real racket.
  • Pumpkin jokes? They’re smashing.
  • With my sandwich puns, I always have a slice of the action.
  • Salad jokes? A healthy portion of laughter.
  • Puns about fish? Always a fin-tastic catch!
  • When I craft puns, I really nail it.
  • Time flies when you’re making clock puns.

Wordplay never gets old, especially when it comes to writing puns! With these 145 puns in your back pocket, you’re sure to bring some ink-spiration to your next writing session.

Keep the laughter going and don’t forget to bookmark this guide for all your future pun needs!