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145 Turkey Puns to Gobble Up Today

Whether it’s Thanksgiving time or you just enjoy a good play on words, turkey puns are a feast for the funny bone!

From silly jokes to clever quips, there’s a turkey pun for everyone. Prepare to be stuffed with laughter as we walk you through 145+ gobble-worthy puns that will have you cracking up!

Classic Turkey Puns

Here are the classics, the tried-and-true turkey puns that never fail to ruffle some feathers. These puns are perfect for any gathering.

  • Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk? It wanted to be a little bolder!
  • Stop! You’re gobbling up all the attention!
  • Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken!
  • Let’s give them something to squawk about.
  • That joke was fowl, but I loved it!
  • You’re such a plucky turkey!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert? Peach gobbler!
  • This meal is un-peck-ably delicious.
  • Don’t wing it; plan ahead for Thanksgiving!
  • Turkey humor is egg-stra special around the holidays.
  • Why did the turkey bring a suitcase? It was ready to leave the nest.
  • Fowl play: the turkey tried to steal my stuffing!
  • You’ve got to quit being such a gobble-mouth!
  • That turkey is always winging it.
  • Let’s carve out some time for more turkey jokes!

turkey puns

Thanksgiving Turkey Puns

Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without some turkey humor. These puns are perfect for lightening the mood during the big feast.

  • I’m so stuffed, I could gobble no more!
  • Turkey trot? More like turkey wobble after this feast.
  • Let’s give thanks for this punderful bird!
  • This turkey is the feather in our Thanksgiving cap.
  • Leftovers are like a second chance at gobbling greatness.
  • Let’s talk turkey—this meal is fantastic!
  • You’re really buttering me up with that stuffing!
  • The turkey’s too blessed to be stressed!
  • My gratitude for this turkey is poultry in motion.
  • Turkey day is all about the gravy!
  • You’re the apple of my pie and the gravy on my turkey.
  • I’m about to gobble ’til I wobble!
  • Let’s get basted, it’s Thanksgiving!
  • Don’t worry, I’m just here for the stuffing.
  • What do you call a running turkey? Fast food!

Turkey Cooking Puns

Whether you’re roasting, frying, or grilling, these puns will spice up your turkey cooking experience!

  • The turkey was overcooked, but it’s still a hot peck!
  • I have a baste case of Thanksgiving excitement.
  • That turkey’s looking like a roast star!
  • I’m brining sexy back with this turkey.
  • Don’t be a jerk-y, baste your turkey properly!
  • Stuff it, we’re all here for the food.
  • You’ve got to let the turkey rest before we feast—don’t wing it!
  • This turkey is about to roast the competition!
  • You think you can fry a turkey better than me? That’s basting in arrogance.
  • A well-cooked turkey is a total baste-case.
  • I’ve been practicing my turkey baste!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite spice? Sage advice!
  • Grill it, fry it, roast it—it’s all about the gobble!
  • This turkey recipe is going to ruffle some feathers.
  • The only thing better than talking turkey is eating it!

turkey puns

Animal Turkey Puns

When turkeys meet other animals in the pun world, things get hilariously mixed up. Here’s what happens when turkeys go wild.

  • What did the turkey say to the cow? “Stop milking it!”
  • Don’t be such a turkey-birdbrain!
  • I heard the turkey got into a peck fight with the chickens.
  • Gobble til you wobble like a turkey on a trampoline!
  • Did you hear about the turkey that learned to fly? Yeah, neither did I.
  • Quit your squawking, you sound like a turkey with a megaphone!
  • I’m a turkey, not a chick-magnet.
  • That turkey is the cock-a-doodle-don’t of the barnyard.
  • When pigs fly? Nah, when turkeys gobble with grace!
  • What happens when you teach a turkey to juggle? Fowl play.
  • The turkey thought it was a peacock—so full of feathers!
  • This turkey thinks it’s the top dog of the farm.
  • Ever seen a turkey swim? Neither have I!
  • Turkeys are like cats—they can’t decide if they’re in charge or just confused.
  • That turkey is strutting like it’s the king of the jungle!

Turkey Name Puns

Naming a turkey for the holidays? These name puns will make sure your bird has the most memorable name at the table.

  • Tom Hanks-giving
  • Justin Timberlake (because of the “timber” feathers)
  • Cluck Norris
  • Feathers McGraw
  • The Notorious P.I.G.
  • Gobble O’Hare
  • Hen Solo
  • Wing Crosby
  • Drumstick Dumbledore
  • Sir Clucks-a-Lot
  • Feather Fawcett
  • Turkey Sanders
  • Lord of the Wings
  • Gobbles McFeathers
  • Turk-o-lina Jolie

Turkey Dinner Puns

These puns are perfect for bringing a little humor to the dinner table as you dive into your turkey feast.

  • This turkey is simply delicious—I’m absolutely stuffed!
  • Why did the turkey join the band? It had its own drumsticks.
  • After this feast, I’m in serious turkey coma mode.
  • Just winging it with my turkey carving skills!
  • Pass the gravy—this turkey needs some smooth moves.
  • It’s all gravy, baby!
  • The only stuffing happening here is in my stomach.
  • Turkey leftovers? More like turkey forever!
  • This turkey is definitely winning the breast-dressed award.
  • Don’t worry, I’m an expert at fowl cuisine.
  • If I eat any more turkey, I’m going to have to waddle out of here.
  • You don’t need to wing it—just follow the recipe!
  • This turkey dinner is pecking my fancy!
  • What’s the best side dish? More turkey, obviously.
  • I’m so full I might need to gobble up some dessert!

Holiday-Themed Turkey Puns

Turkeys aren’t just for Thanksgiving! Here are some fun holiday turkey puns to keep the laughter going all year long.

  • I’m dreamin’ of a white meat Christmas.
  • Gobble ’til you wobble at the New Year’s Eve feast.
  • This turkey is the gift that keeps on giving.
  • What do you call a turkey at Christmas? A seasonal clucker.
  • Santa’s sleigh is stuffed with turkey!
  • Forget mistletoe, pass me the turkey bone!
  • The turkey is a holiday feast staple—no matter the holiday.
  • A Thanksgiving turkey? More like a Christmas miracle!
  • This turkey brings cheer to every holiday table.
  • The turkey has taken over Christmas dinner!
  • Turkey for Halloween? I’m dressing up as a pilgrim.
  • Stuffing stockings… and turkeys!
  • The Easter Bunny has nothing on this turkey!
  • Fourth of July turkey? Now we’re talking.
  • That turkey has holiday spirit in every bite!

turkey puns

More Turkey Puns!

Because 145 just wasn’t enough, here’s a bonus section packed with 50 more turkey puns that will make you laugh, squawk, and gobble up the fun!

  • Turkey on the run? Must be fast fowl!
  • Don’t go bacon my turkey’s heart!
  • That’s one peck of a good turkey!
  • You really knocked it out of the turkey park!
  • I can’t believe it’s not turkey.
  • Is this turkey free-range or free-reign?
  • I’d love to stay and gobble, but I’m stuffed!
  • Turkey-dactyls are extinct, but the jokes live on!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite instrument? The drumstick.
  • Get your gobble on—it’s turkey time!
  • Turkey feathers are the new fashion statement.
  • I’m thankful for puns and turkey!
  • This turkey is the main course in the pun-kingdom.
  • A well-seasoned turkey never goes out of style.
  • Turkey has my heart, stuffing has my soul.
  • This turkey is about to gobble its way to fame!
  • You’ve got to wing it with turkey puns!
  • No one can ruffle my feathers—I’m full of turkey confidence.
  • This turkey is a work of heart.
  • Why did the turkey play football? For the halftime peck talk!
  • I’m not winging this meal—it’s pure turkey talent.
  • Gobble ‘em up—turkey puns are delicious!
  • Turkey: the bird that keeps on giving (and clucking).
  • I can’t quit you, turkey!
  • It’s always turkey time somewhere!
  • Turkey up—it’s time to feast!
  • I’ve got a turkey in the oven and a pun in my heart.
  • This turkey is really shaking its tail feathers!
  • How does a turkey show love? With heart-feathered gestures!
  • Just wing it—turkey puns make everything better.
  • There’s always room for one more turkey joke.
  • I’ve got 99 problems, but a turkey ain’t one.
  • A turkey a day keeps the hunger at bay!
  • Ruffle some feathers and tell more turkey jokes.
  • Is it Thanksgiving yet? I need some turkey humor.
  • That turkey’s got game—feather game!
  • Stay calm and gobble on.
  • It’s always turkey time when you’re laughing!
  • I’m thankful for turkey and all the laughs it brings.
  • This turkey is well worth the weight.
  • Puns and turkey go together like gravy and mashed potatoes.
  • Turkey dinner: the original soul food.
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite movie? Poultrygeist.
  • When turkeys gobble, the world listens.
  • This turkey pun was well-seasoned!
  • Take it easy, it’s just a turkey pun!
  • A turkey never goes out of style—it’s classic!


With over 145 turkey puns at your fingertips, you’re now armed and ready to ruffle some feathers with humor! Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, or just a regular day when you’re feeling punny, these jokes are sure to make you and your friends laugh. Remember, turkey puns are best served warm—so gobble them up!


What’s the best way to tell a turkey pun?
Timing is everything! Drop it just as people are about to feast.

Can I use these turkey puns all year round?
Absolutely! Turkeys may be a holiday favorite, but the humor works any time.

Are turkey puns family-friendly?
Yes, all the puns in this guide are family-friendly and perfect for kids and adults.

Can turkey puns be used in social media posts?
Yes, these puns are great for adding humor to your Thanksgiving or holiday-themed posts.

Why are turkey puns so popular during Thanksgiving?
Because turkeys are the centerpiece of the meal, they naturally inspire lots of funny wordplay.

What’s the funniest turkey pun?
That’s subjective, but “Why did the turkey join the band? It had drumsticks!” is a fan favorite!