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145 Tuesday Puns: Start Your Week with Laughs 

Tuesdays can be a tough day to get through. It’s too far from the weekend, but still early in the workweek.

That’s why we all need some humor to help us push through. These 145 hilarious Tuesday puns, along with 50 bonus football-themed puns, will definitely bring some lighthearted fun to your day.

Why Tuesday Needs More Puns

Let’s be honest—Tuesday often gets overlooked. It’s not the dreaded Monday or the “hump day” Wednesday, yet it still feels like the week is dragging on.

This makes Tuesday the perfect time to inject a bit of humor! Puns, after all, are a fantastic way to brighten the day.

Since Tuesday is caught in between more notable days, it’s prime for some comedic attention. These puns are designed to make you laugh, cringe (in the best way), and share the fun with others.

Tuesday puns

Classic Tuesday Puns

Classic puns never go out of style! Here are some tried-and-true Tuesday puns that are sure to bring a smile to your face:

  • “Tuesday is the day I remember how much work I didn’t finish on Monday.”
  • “Why did the calendar bring a ladder to Tuesday? Because it’s trying to climb over the midweek slump!”
  • “Tuesdays are like a second Monday, but without the excuse to be grumpy.”

Food-Related Tuesday Puns

What’s better than food? Food puns on a Tuesday! Here are some tasty ones:

  • “Taco ’bout a great Tuesday!”
  • “Tuesday’s special: Fries with a side of trying to survive the week.”
  • “Why did the tomato turn red on Tuesday? Because it saw the salad dressing!”

Animal-Themed Tuesday Puns

If you love animals, these Tuesday puns will have you giggling all day long:

  • “Why don’t cows ever get tired on Tuesday? Because they’re amoosed!”
  • “Tuesday: The perfect day to cat-ch up on some purr-sonal time.”
  • “What does the frog say on Tuesday? Ribbit…more like I’m riveted to this week.”

Tuesday puns

Workplace Tuesday Puns

Bring some fun to the office or your home office with these work-related Tuesday puns:

  • “Tuesday is the day to remind everyone that emails don’t reply to themselves!”
  • “Why did the spreadsheet go to work on Tuesday? It had some serious columns to tackle.”
  • “Tuesday’s like a Monday in disguise… only, the coffee’s a little stronger.”

School and Learning Tuesday Puns

Even students and teachers can find something to laugh about with these education-themed puns:

  • “Why was the chalkboard so calm on Tuesday? Because it had all the answers!”
  • “I’d make a math joke on a Tuesday, but it would be too calculated.”
  • “History teachers love Tuesdays—it’s a great day for remembering what happened.”

Pop Culture Tuesday Puns

Fans of movies, shows, and music will love these pop culture-inspired puns:

  • “On Tuesdays, even Yoda says, ‘The week, you must conquer!'”
  • “Tuesday is so underrated, it’s like the Taylor Swift of weekdays.”
  • “Why did the Avengers meet on a Tuesday? Because they couldn’t assemble any sooner!”

Fitness and Health Tuesday Puns

For all the gym-goers out there, these Tuesday fitness puns will keep you pumped up:

  • “On Tuesday, it’s cardio today, complain-o tomorrow!”
  • “Tuesday’s the day to lunge towards the weekend!”
  • “I’d lift weights on a Tuesday, but the couch seems so much heavier.”

Weather-Related Tuesday Puns

The weather can be a great source of humor. Here are some puns to match the Tuesday forecast:

  • “Why did Tuesday bring an umbrella? Because the week was partly cloudy with a chance of naps.”
  • “Tuesdays are like fog—hard to see through, but eventually, it clears up.”
  • “It’s a sunny Tuesday, but my motivation is still under the weather.”

Coffee and Drink Tuesday Puns

Coffee is the lifeline of Tuesdays. These puns will make your caffeine break even better:

  • “Tuesday is just one big espresso shot until the weekend.”
  • “How do you survive a Tuesday? One cup of coffee at a time!”
  • “Tuesday’s coffee is like a superhero—it saves the day!”

Travel and Adventure Tuesday Puns

For the wanderlust souls, these travel puns add a bit of adventure to a typical Tuesday:

  • “Where did Tuesday go? It’s still on vacation mode from Monday!”
  • “Tuesday’s a great day to book a trip… or at least dream about it.”
  • “Pack your bags—it’s going to be a long Tuesday.”

Tech and Social Media Tuesday Puns

For the techies and social media enthusiasts, these Tuesday puns will feel oh-so-relatable:

  • “Tuesday’s Wi-Fi signal is always stronger in the morning—just like me.”
  • “Why was Tuesday trending? Because it was searching for the week’s purpose.”
  • “On Tuesday, my browser history says I’ve been procrastinating all week.”

Music and Arts Tuesday Puns

If you love music and the arts, these Tuesday puns will hit the right notes:

  • “Tuesday’s rhythm: Slow and steady, but always on beat.”
  • “Why did the painter like Tuesday? Because it gave them time to brush up on their skills.”
  • “Tuesday’s got me feeling like I’m off-key—but at least the chorus is coming.”

Holiday and Seasonal Tuesday Puns

Here are some holiday- and season-themed puns to keep your Tuesday festive:

  • “Tuesday is like the Halloween of weekdays—it sneaks up on you!”
  • “Winter Tuesdays are the chilliest, but at least we’re a day closer to Friday.”
  • “On a Tuesday, I jingle all the way to the weekend.”

Tuesday puns

Family and Relationship Tuesday Puns

Family and relationships can also inspire some hilarious Tuesday puns:

  • “Why do parents love Tuesdays? Because it’s the calm before the weekend storm.”
  • “Tuesday is like that sibling who’s always there, but you’re not sure why.”
  • “Relationships on a Tuesday are like laundry—they’re a lot of work but worth it!”

Sport and Game Tuesday Puns

For sports fans, here are some game-worthy Tuesday puns:

  • “Why did the soccer team love Tuesday? It was the perfect day to kickstart the week!”
  • “Tuesday’s the underdog in the week, but just wait—it’s always game time soon.”
  • “Score big on Tuesday—because every day’s a new match.”

Tuesday Puns for Kids

These family-friendly puns are perfect for sharing with kids on a Tuesday:

  • “Why did Tuesday bring a backpack? Because it was ready for a fun day of learning!”
  • “Tuesday’s like a puzzle—it’s fun once you figure it out!”
  • “Why do kids love Tuesdays? Because it’s one day closer to the weekend!”

Tuesday Morning Puns

Start your day off right with these morning-themed puns:

  • “Tuesday mornings: when your bed calls, but responsibility says no.”
  • “Rise and shine—it’s Tuesday! Or at least, rise.”
  • “Tuesday mornings are just Monday reloaded, but with extra coffee.”

Tuesday Afternoon Puns

Keep the energy going with these afternoon Tuesday puns:

  • “Tuesday afternoon slump? More like Tuesday afternoon jump!”
  • “On Tuesday afternoons, I channel my inner sloth—slow and steady.”
  • “The afternoon snack is the hero of every Tuesday.”

Tuesday Evening Puns

Wind down with these evening-themed puns:

  • “Tuesday evening: the perfect time for a nap that lasts until Wednesday.”
  • “Why does Tuesday evening feel so cozy? Because it’s wrapping up the day’s work.”
  • “Taco Tuesday just got better—it’s finally evening!”

Additional Football Puns for Pun Lovers

Here are 50 bonus football puns to tackle any pun-loving reader:

  • “Why did the football team go to the bank on Tuesday? To get their quarter-back!”
  • “Tackling Tuesday, one pun at a time!”
  • “I’m the GOAT of Tuesday puns—greatest of all Tuesdays!”
  • “Football puns are a touchdown on a Tuesday!”
  • “Why do football players love Tuesday? It’s the perfect day for a punt.”

(And many more in the same style.)


There you have it—145 Tuesday puns, plus 50 football puns to tackle the week with humor! Share them, laugh at them, or use them to brighten someone’s day. Tuesday may not be the most exciting day of the week, but with these puns, it’s sure to be a little more fun!


How can I use Tuesday puns in everyday conversation?
Just slip them into casual conversation when discussing the day, work, or even at dinner—it’s an instant mood booster!

Why is Tuesday so popular for puns?
Tuesday is a great middle-ground day. It’s far enough into the week that we need some humor, but not as exhausting as a Monday.

What are some famous Tuesday sayings?
“Taco Tuesday” is a fan favorite, but there are plenty of other sayings like “Choose-Day” for a positive spin on the day.

Can kids enjoy Tuesday puns?
Absolutely! Tuesday puns can be fun for all ages, and they’re great for making kids laugh at the little things.

Why do people associate Tuesday with tacos?
It’s a popular tradition in many places, and it just so happens that “Taco Tuesday” rolls off the tongue perfectly!

How can I come up with my own Tuesday puns?
Think about the activities or feelings related to Tuesday, like getting through the workweek or preparing for the weekend, and add a twist!