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135 Skeleton Puns That Will Tickle Your Funny Bone

Puns are one of the lightest forms of humor, and skeleton puns take the cake when it comes to bone-tickling jokes!

Whether you’re at a Halloween party, sharing a funny moment with friends, or just want a pun that’s rib-tickling (pun intended!), this list has you covered.

Best Skeleton Puns to Start With

Skeleton puns are undeniably fun, but to get you started on the right note, here are 10 of the best skeleton puns you can’t miss!

  1. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party?
    Because he had no body to go with!
  2. What do skeletons order at a restaurant?
    Spare ribs.
  3. Why are skeletons so calm?
    Because nothing gets under their skin.
  4. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
    He didn’t have the guts!
  5. What do skeletons say before they begin dining?
    Bone appétit!
  6. How do skeletons call their friends?
    On the tele-bone.
  7. What’s a skeleton’s favorite musical instrument?
    The trombone!
  8. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?
    They don’t have the guts.
  9. How did the skeleton know it was going to rain?
    He could feel it in his bones.
  10. What do you call a skeleton who tells jokes?
    A bone-afide comedian!
skeleton puns

Skeleton Puns for Halloween

Halloween is the perfect time to crack skeleton puns. Here are 10 spooky puns that will lift your spirits this Halloween!

  1. Why are graveyards so noisy?
    Because of all the coffin!
  2. What’s a skeleton’s favorite room in the house?
    The living room.
  3. Why was the skeleton so bad at lying?
    Because you could see right through him.
  4. What did the skeleton bring to the Halloween party?
    His hip bone.
  5. Why did the skeleton laugh during the scary movie?
    He found it humerus.
  6. What do you call a skeleton snake?
    A rattlesnake!
  7. Why didn’t the skeleton go trick-or-treating?
    He had no body to go with.
  8. What did the skeleton say to the vampire at the Halloween party?
    “Bone to be wild!”
  9. How did the skeleton fix his broken bone?
    With a bone-d-aid.
  10. What do skeletons use to keep their hair in place?
    Skull spray.

Skeleton Love Puns

Even skeletons have a heart… somewhere. Here are 10 adorable skeleton love puns to add a little romance to the mix.

  1. You make my heart rattle!
  2. I’m head over heels in bones for you.
  3. We have great chemistry—it’s in my bones.
  4. You’re bone of a kind.
  5. No bones about it, I love you.
  6. You give me a reason to come out of my shell.
  7. I’d bone-ify my love for you anytime.
  8. You make me feel all warm and bony inside.
  9. Together, we’re unbreakable—except for maybe a few bones.
  10. I love you with every bone in my body!
skeleton puns

Skeleton Puns for Kids

Skeletons can be spooky, but they can also be super fun for kids! Here are 10 kid-friendly skeleton puns.

  1. What kind of joke does a skeleton write?
    A rib-tickler!
  2. Why don’t skeletons ever get mad?
    Because they have no body to argue with.
  3. What’s a skeleton’s favorite candy?
  4. What does a skeleton say when he wakes up?
    “Time to rise and bone-shine!”
  5. Why can’t skeletons play hockey?
    They don’t have the guts to face off.
  6. How does a skeleton get his mail?
    Through the bony express!
  7. Why did the skeleton sit alone at lunch?
    Because he felt hollow inside.
  8. How do skeletons celebrate their birthdays?
    They throw a bone-fire party!
  9. What’s a skeleton’s favorite game?
    Hide and shriek.
  10. Why didn’t the skeleton go on the rollercoaster?
    He didn’t have the stomach for it.
skeleton puns

Skeleton Work and School Puns

Sometimes, a good skeleton pun can liven up the office or classroom. Here are 10 skeleton-related jokes for work or school.

  1. Why didn’t the skeleton finish his homework?
    Because it was a no-brainer.
  2. How do skeletons do well in school?
    They work their bones off!
  3. What did the skeleton write on his resume?
    “Experienced in working with bones.”
  4. Why did the skeleton get a promotion?
    He was bone to lead.
  5. What did the skeleton say at the office party?
    “Let’s break it down!”
  6. Why was the skeleton such a bad dancer?
    He didn’t have any rhythm.
  7. Why don’t skeletons ever succeed in business?
    They’re too easily rattled.
  8. How does a skeleton keep track of deadlines?
    With a bone-calendar.
  9. Why was the skeleton so good at math?
    He was good at counting bones.
  10. What did the skeleton say at his job interview?
    “I’ve got a bone to pick with you!”

Skeleton Puns for Sports Fans

Even skeletons enjoy a good game. Here are 10 puns for the skeleton sports fan in you.

  1. Why did the skeleton become a soccer player?
    Because he was always kicking up a fuss.
  2. What’s a skeleton’s favorite sport?
    Badminton—he’s great with the net!
  3. Why did the skeleton play baseball?
    He wanted to bone up on his swing.
  4. How do skeletons stay in shape?
    They lift bone-weights.
  5. Why was the skeleton bad at football?
    He didn’t have the guts to tackle.
  6. What position did the skeleton play in soccer?
    Goalkeeper—he’s always guarding the net!
  7. Why did the skeleton join the basketball team?
    He had great bones for defense.
  8. How does a skeleton score in hockey?
    With a bone-crushing slap shot!
  9. Why don’t skeletons play tennis?
    They can’t find their tennis bones.
  10. What did the skeleton do after losing a game?
    He got down to the bare bones of his mistakes.

Skeleton Puns for Animal Lovers

For all the animal lovers out there, here are 10 bone-related puns that mix skeletons with furry friends.

  1. Why don’t skeletons play with dogs?
    They’re afraid of getting chewed up!
  2. What’s a skeleton’s favorite pet?
    A bone-afide dog.
  3. Why do skeletons avoid cats?
    They don’t want to be left bone-dry from all the scratches.
  4. How do skeletons train their pets?
    With bone-treats, of course!
  5. What do you call a skeleton with a dog?
    Best bone friends.
  6. Why don’t skeletons have birds?
    They’re afraid they’ll be picked to the bone.
  7. What kind of pets do skeletons prefer?
    Ones with a lot of bones in them!
  8. What did the skeleton name his cat?
  9. How do skeletons make their dogs behave?
    With a bone whistle.
  10. Why are skeletons terrible zookeepers?
    They always leave things half-bone!


What are some funny skeleton puns for Halloween?
A few funny Halloween puns include: “Why was the skeleton afraid of the storm? Because it rattled his bones!” and “What do skeletons use to call each other? Their tele-bones!”

Can skeleton puns be used for kids?
Absolutely! Kids enjoy clean jokes like, “Why did the skeleton bring a ladder to school? He wanted to bone up on his studies.”

Why are skeletons used in so many puns?
Skeletons lend themselves to wordplay easily due to their association with bones, making them a popular subject for puns, especially around Halloween.

What’s a good skeleton pun for a party?
At a party, you can say, “I’m having a bone-afide good time!” or “Time to bone up on fun!”

Why do people enjoy skeleton puns?
Skeleton puns are light-hearted, often spooky but not scary, and allow people to play with words in a humorous way.

Are skeleton puns suitable for adults?
Definitely! Adults can enjoy skeleton puns at Halloween parties or in casual conversations, especially with puns like, “Why don’t skeletons gossip? They don’t have the backbone!”


Skeleton puns may be silly, but they’re a fun way to tickle anyone’s funny bone.

Whether you’re looking for a quick laugh or need some lighthearted humor for Halloween, this list of 135 skeleton puns will surely keep your spirits up! Try sharing a few with friends to see which ones leave them rattled with laughter!