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145 Reading Puns to Make You Laugh!

Puns are the delightful intersection of wordplay and humor that make us chuckle, groan, or think twice.

Whether you’re looking to lighten up a conversation or simply enjoy some linguistic fun, puns are the perfect remedy.

Below, you’ll find over 145 reading puns categorized for every situation. Let’s jump right in and start punning!

Book Lover Puns

  1. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!
  2. I’m a huge fan of book clubs—it’s where I get my novel ideas.
  3. I finally got around to reading that classic novel. The suspense is killing me!
  4. So many books, so little time to read them all!
  5. My bookshelf and I are on the same page.
  6. I don’t trust people who don’t dog-ear pages. They seem a little too well-read.
  7. If books were currency, I’d be rich in knowledge!
  8. I’m booked solid for the weekend—just me and my novels.
  9. The library is my happy place—I love getting lost in the stacks.
  10. I’m the type of person who will check out more books than I can read—it’s bound to happen.
  11. If you need me, I’ll be in the corner, living a shelf-ish lifestyle.
  12. Want to hear a joke about a library? It’ll leave you in stitches!
  13. I’m such a bookworm—I eat novels for breakfast.
  14. Just booked my vacation to Booklandia!
  15. If reading were a sport, I’d be a page-turner athlete.

reading puns

Library Puns

  1. I told my librarian that I was feeling a little overbooked, and she recommended I shelf some plans.
  2. I’m checking you out—literally.
  3. The librarian said I had too many books checked out. I told her that was a novel concept.
  4. Libraries are the only places where shushing is considered a form of communication.
  5. The library is where I can get lost in fiction and never ask for directions.
  6. This library card is my ticket to an adventure in every aisle!
  7. My library fines are stacking up—I guess I’ve checked out for too long.
  8. The library is the only place where you can go broke on knowledge.
  9. I was going to join the library’s silent reading group, but I thought it would be too quiet.
  10. I’m overdue for a visit to the library.
  11. The library is where my imagination is always fully booked.
  12. I’m convinced that librarians are wizards. They always know where the magic is.
  13. I’ve got stacks of books and a shelf full of dreams.
  14. Librarians don’t need magic spells—they have the Dewey Decimal System.
  15. My favorite place to check out books? The pun section, of course!

reading puns

Reading Puns

  1. Reading is a novel idea!
  2. I’ve read so much lately, I think I’m becoming well-booked.
  3. My weekend is all booked—just me and my pile of reads.
  4. Every time I finish a book, I feel like I’ve just closed a chapter in my life.
  5. You’ve got to admit, reading between the lines is a skill!
  6. I’m always hunting for my next great read—it’s a never-ending chapter in my life.
  7. I’m committed to reading—it’s bound to be rewarding.
  8. That book was so good, I could hardly put it shelf-down.
  9. I’ve got a novel way of looking at life—one page at a time.
  10. I didn’t like that novel—it had too many plot holes.
  11. Let’s just say that reading is my type!
  12. I’ve read so many books, my brain is starting to develop its own index.
  13. I’m an open book, except when it comes to spoilers.
  14. Reading is lit—literally!
  15. My life story? It’s still a work in progress.

Writing Puns

  1. Writing a book takes spine, but finishing it takes real character.
  2. Every writer needs a break—sometimes it’s just a matter of punctuating it correctly.
  3. My drafts are so bad, even autocorrect gave up on them.
  4. Writing is a novel way to express yourself, but editing can be a real page-turner.
  5. My ideas are endless, but my word count is limited.
  6. My writer’s block is so strong, it’s practically a plot device.
  7. Writing is like sculpting with words—you have to carve out the story.
  8. I had an idea for a story, but it’s still a rough draft in my brain.
  9. Writing is my superpower—especially when the grammar cape is on!
  10. I put the ‘pro’ in protagonist.
  11. Typing this story has been a real sentence-tence.
  12. My editor and I have a love-hate relationship—she loves fixing my mistakes, and I hate making them.
  13. I think in chapters and dream in epilogues.
  14. I’d tell you about my novel, but that would be a spoiler.
  15. Writing is easy—it’s turning off the internal critic that’s hard.

Author Puns

  1. My favorite authors always give me plot twists and turns!
  2. I met an author once. He had so many stories to tell.
  3. Great authors are like architects—they build worlds with words.
  4. I have a book in me, but I think the author lost the plot.
  5. Authors write for a living, but they live for their writing.
  6. The author signed my book with his penmanship, but his words left a permanent mark.
  7. I’ve got a story in my heart, but finding the right words is the author’s journey.
  8. Authors don’t just create stories—they breathe life into them.
  9. Every great author has a chapter of self-doubt, but they write through it.
  10. My favorite authors are the ones who leave me breathless at the end of a book.
  11. I had a conversation with my favorite author, but I didn’t have the write words.
  12. The greatest plot twist? When the author becomes the reader.
  13. Being an author means you’re always booked.
  14. Authors don’t retire—they just write the next chapter.
  15. My life’s story is being penned by a great author—I can’t wait to see how it ends.

reading puns

Book Genre Puns

  1. I’ve got a fantasy about finishing this epic novel.
  2. My romance novels always end with a plot twist—a page-turning love affair.
  3. Mystery books always leave me on edge, but I sleuth through them.
  4. I’m a sucker for thrillers—they always keep me hooked!
  5. Sci-fi novels take me to another world, but I’ll bookmark my place in reality.
  6. Historical fiction is the past come alive—like time-travel in a book!
  7. Non-fiction isn’t for everyone, but it’s a real page-turner for me.
  8. Poetry books are like word puzzles for the soul.
  9. I get lost in horror stories—they always give me chills!
  10. The best thing about dystopian novels? They make the present look a whole lot better.
  11. Fantasy books have dragons, but sci-fi books have stars—I love them both!
  12. Biographies let me live another life without leaving my chair.
  13. I’m in a thriller right now—my heart is racing with every chapter!
  14. Reading poetry is like solving a riddle with feelings.
  15. Graphic novels? They’re a picture-perfect read!

Literary Character Puns

  1. Don’t make me go all Sherlock Holmes on this mystery!
  2. I may not be Hercule Poirot, but I can piece together a plot.
  3. Mr. Darcy has some serious pride, but I think he’s novel-ly attractive.
  4. Atticus Finch? Now, that’s a character with real moral fiber!
  5. If I had Hermione’s time-turner, I’d read all the books in the world.
  6. Captain Ahab and I both have obsessions—mine just happens to be books.
  7. Katniss Everdeen would totally be my Hunger Games teammate in a literary trivia contest.
  8. I’m channeling my inner Elizabeth Bennet—strong, witty, and always well-read.
  9. If I had a dollar for every time I wished I was in Narnia, I’d be rich as Aslan.
  10. Huck Finn had some wild adventures, but mine are found in novels.
  11. I might not be Harry Potter, but I’ve got my own magical reading list.
  12. Gatsby might’ve thrown the best parties, but my book club is a close second.
  13. I’m as curious as Alice—I always find myself in new reading worlds.
  14. Don Quixote had his windmills, but I’ve got my bookshelf to tilt at!
  15. Sherlock would be impressed with how quickly I deduce the plot of a mystery novel.

Extra Book and Reading Puns

  1. I’m booked for life—just me and my reading list.
  2. Don’t judge a book by its cover, but do laugh at its puns!
  3. I’ve got characters in my head and novels in my heart.
  4. That book was so good, it left me speechless—well, almost.
  5. I’m in a long-term relationship with my bookshelf.
  6. If I ever get lost, just find me in the library.
  7. Books are my only addiction—they’re a healthy habit!
  8. I had a plot twist in my reading schedule—I stayed up all night.
  9. It’s not hoarding if it’s books!
  10. My favorite type of adventure is a novel one.
  11. Every great reader knows when to turn the page.
  12. I can’t kindle a new flame—I’m already in love with books.
  13. My favorite type of plot twist? One I didn’t see coming.
  14. I have a binding love for literature.
  15. When life gets tough, I shelf all my worries.
  16. I’ve been known to read between the lines—literally!
  17. My bookmark collection is out of control—it’s a page-turner!
  18. Reading is my happy place—it’s where all the stories come to life.
  19. When I say “just one more chapter,” you know it’s a lie.
  20. I’ve got a novel way of dealing with stress—just read it away!
  21. My favorite book characters? They live rent-free in my head.
  22. Reading is my escape—I travel without leaving the couch.
  23. Bookmarks are for quitters—except when you absolutely need them.
  24. I’ll always make room for one more book.
  25. My brain is a library, and my thoughts are the shelves.
  26. Books are like magic carpets—take me on an adventure!
  27. Some people say I’m too bookish. I say they haven’t read enough.
  28. I’ll never run out of stories—they’re all bound to be good!
  29. Life without books? It’s unthinkable!
  30. A good book is the best kind of company.
  31. Bookish? More like fully booked!
  32. Books speak louder than words—they’re written with heart.
  33. My TBR (To Be Read) list is longer than my life expectancy.
  34. Every book I read adds a new chapter to my life.
  35. I’m just here to turn some pages and enjoy the plot.
  36. Sometimes I feel like the protagonist in my own novel.
  37. If life were a book, I’d be the page-turner.
  38. Books aren’t just stories—they’re portals to new worlds.
  39. I’m overbooked but under-read!
  40. Books are my superpower—I get to live a thousand lives.
  41. I never judge a book by its movie.
  42. My reading habits? Bound to impress!
  43. Good stories always leave an imprint on my soul.
  44. Bookshelf goals: fill every shelf with worlds to discover.
  45. Reading is my cardio—brain cardio!
  46. A great book is always worth rereading.
  47. I’d rather be reading.
  48. Novels are the best way to travel without a plane ticket.
  49. A great plot twist always leaves me reeling.
  50. Books are my true love—they never let me down.


For book lovers and wordsmiths alike, puns about reading and books are a delightful way to celebrate the joy of literature.

Whether you’re a librarian looking for some fun wordplay, a bibliophile with a penchant for puns, or simply someone who loves clever jokes, this collection of over 145 book and reading puns has something for everyone.

Now, let’s turn the page and enjoy the literary laughter! Happy reading!