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145 Poop Puns That Are a Real Gas!

Poop puns are a timeless and giggle-inducing way to lighten the mood. From subtle bathroom humor to over-the-top gags, these puns will have you rolling on the floor in laughter.

Here’s the ultimate guide to over 145 poop puns, broken into categories for easy reference. Get ready to laugh till you “drop”!

Classic Poop Puns

These timeless classics never get old, and they always manage to elicit a few giggles.

  • I’m on a roll—better wipe!
  • Why don’t poop jokes ever get old? They’re number two for a reason.
  • I had to go to the bathroom urgently, it was a real stool emergency.
  • That joke was crappy, but I loved it.
  • Did you hear about the constipated accountant? He couldn’t budget.
  • Potty humor always cracks me up.
  • Stop talking trash, you’re full of crap!
  • My poop jokes always come out smoothly.
  • You’ve gotta be sh***ing me right now!
  • Flush out the bad vibes, it’s all good now.
  • What did one piece of toilet paper say to the other? “I’m wiped.”
  • You must think you’re a big “toilet paper roll model.”
  • This joke stinks, but I don’t care.
  • I dropped the kids off at the pool today.
  • Having a crappy day? Just let it go!

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Animal-Themed Poop Puns

Get a little wild with these animal-inspired poop puns. They’ll have you “howling” with laughter.

  • Why don’t bears wear shoes? They like to poo-barefoot.
  • Elephants have big poops because they don’t forget their fiber.
  • Flies don’t poo in public—they keep their business in the fly-zone.
  • Snakes don’t poop—they slither it out.
  • “Bee” careful with bee poop—it’s sticky!
  • Parrots poop from a great height—it’s their version of “high society.”
  • A cat’s litter box is like a throne, and it sits on it “purrfectly.”
  • Monkeys always make sure their poop is “ape-solutely” funny.
  • Why did the owl hoot before pooping? It was “stool-pendous.”
  • Cows have “moo-sive” dumps!
  • Birds leave “crappy” souvenirs wherever they fly.
  • Penguins poop and slide—that’s how they have a “slippery” situation.
  • The horse always neighs after a long “poop trot.”
  • Why do fish never poop on land? They can’t handle the “turd surf.”
  • Giraffes have “lofty” poops—they’re always above it all!

Food-Themed Poop Puns

Who knew bathroom humor and food could mix so well?

  • I’ve got a bad case of “taco Tuesday” tummy.
  • This conversation is going down the toilet—just like my burrito.
  • What did the coffee say to the poop? “Let’s brew something up.”
  • After that curry, I was literally in a “spicy” situation.
  • Those beans are no joke—my bathroom time was “explosive.”
  • I donut like poop puns, they’re just full of “crap.”
  • That was a real “cheesy” move—you must be lactose-intolerant.
  • Pizza today, poo-tomorrow!
  • Sushi poops are the “roll” of a lifetime.
  • That smoothie really went “through” me.
  • My diet’s been fiber-rich, if you know what I mean.
  • Too much cabbage leaves me “gassed.”
  • Spicy food and poop jokes go hand in hand—it’s all about the “burn.”
  • Ice cream makes me “scoot” to the bathroom.
  • Chips and dip? More like “chips and drip.”

Work and Office Poop Puns

Keep the workday light with these office-related poop puns.

  • I’m on a break—time for a “loo” stop.
  • Is your project stuck? Maybe it’s constipated.
  • My computer crashed, but at least my toilet’s still flushing.
  • This deadline’s making me crap myself.
  • Let’s just say this meeting is going down the drain.
  • Our team’s productivity is constipated—it’s blocked!
  • I had to “flush” my inbox of spam.
  • I’ve been “plunged” into too much work.
  • That report was a total “poop fest.”
  • You really nailed that presentation—it was “solid.”
  • If the boss comes, just say I’m on a “rest”room break.
  • Working from home means more “bathroom breaks!”
  • Why does it smell like something “fishy” happened at the office?
  • My workload is so heavy, I think I might “explode.”
  • At least I get to sit down when things go “down the toilet.”

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Pop Culture Poop Puns

Celebrities and movies aren’t safe from the power of poop jokes!

  • Game of Thrones? More like “Game of Thrones,” with all those bathroom breaks.
  • That concert was awesome, but the porta-potties were a “crap-tastrophe.”
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Poops.
  • Batman doesn’t poop—he “drops a Bat-signal.”
  • Star Wars: Revenge of the “Sh*t.”
  • Lord of the “Pee Rings.”
  • James Bond always flushes twice—because he’s 007.
  • Toilet Wars: The Last Plunge.
  • Super Mario? More like “Super Poop Brothers.”
  • Stranger Poops.
  • The Avengers: Infinity Poops.
  • Fast and the Furious: Turbo Loo.
  • Twilight: Breaking Wind.
  • You can’t handle the poop truth!
  • Jurassic Poop!

Bathroom-Related Poop Puns

These puns hit closest to home—or should we say, closest to the toilet.

  • The toilet paper shortage was a real “bummer.”
  • My toilet is my thinking throne.
  • Flushing your dreams down the toilet? Been there.
  • Toilet humor stinks—but in a good way.
  • I left my dignity in the bathroom stall.
  • Toilets and I have a strong bond—it’s a deep connection.
  • Toilet seats are like good friends—they’ve got your back.
  • I feel wiped out after that last trip to the restroom.
  • The flush heard ‘round the world!
  • That was an “explosive” bathroom visit.
  • Keep calm and flush on.
  • Some days are great, others are just total crap.
  • Life is short—flush twice!
  • I was on a “streak” in the bathroom.
  • Every flush tells a story.

Holiday Poop Puns

’Tis the season for some bathroom jokes—no matter the holiday!

  • Thanksgiving? More like “Thankspooing.”
  • Have yourself a “Merry Little Poopmas!”
  • Halloween: Trick or “Poop!”
  • New Year, same bathroom.
  • Deck the stalls with boughs of toilet paper.
  • Cupid missed and hit the toilet—love stinks!
  • The Easter Bunny dropped more than just eggs.
  • Let’s make it a Poopsgiving tradition.
  • Ghosts don’t have to poop—they’re ethereal.
  • The 4th of July is about freedom—and flushing.
  • Santa knows when you’ve been “crappy” or nice.
  • Labor Day: Time to “labor” on the toilet.
  • Spooky poops are real.
  • Christmas trees may smell, but they don’t stink as bad as my bathroom.
  • Happy Poop-entine’s Day!

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Bonus Poop Puns

Because you can never have too much of a good thing, here’s an extra helping of poop puns.

  • Poop happens.
  • I didn’t see that poop coming.
  • Let’s just say, it was a “crappy” experience.
  • Some days you’re the poop, some days you’re the toilet.
  • I’ve got 99 problems, and poop is all of them.
  • Why do poops always happen at the worst times?
  • The bathroom is my happy place.
  • That joke was a real stinker.
  • Life is a dump—sometimes you just gotta flush.
  • My phone fell in the toilet—what a crappy call.
  • The poop was unexpected, but the outcome was solid.
  • I’m on a “poop streak” today.
  • Bathroom selfies are just crappier versions of real life.
  • You’ve been “dumped” on.
  • I’ll admit, I’ve had my “wasteful” moments.
  • Let’s keep it regular—fiber helps.
  • That was a “smooth” move.
  • The best conversations happen on the toilet.
  • We all have a little “crap” to deal with.
  • Flush it, forget it.
  • I’m “plunged” into deep thought.
  • Can’t stop, won’t stop—pooping.
  • Toilet paper is my best friend in need.
  • That conversation went straight to the bathroom.
  • Poop puns are always “on point.”
  • Every flush is a fresh start.
  • Life gives you lemons, you make lemonade; life gives you poop, you flush it!
  • Toilet humor keeps me grounded.
  • Don’t take crap from anyone—unless it’s a poop pun!
  • I always aim to leave the toilet in better shape than I found it.
  • Toilet paper: the unsung hero.
  • I thought my joke was funny, but it was just full of crap.
  • Poop puns make the world go round.
  • I live for bathroom humor—it’s my “number two” passion.
  • You know it’s bad when even the toilet is judging you.
  • Let’s take a “whirl” at this toilet humor thing.
  • I’m not full of crap—I’m just a good listener.
  • Every poop tells a story.
  • I should get a trophy for all my bathroom adventures.
  • Poop puns aren’t crappy, they’re just misunderstood.
  • The bathroom is a place for reflection—and sometimes, regret.
  • I’m flush with success!
  • What happens in the bathroom, stays in the bathroom.
  • I’m just here for the toilet humor.


There you have it—the ultimate guide to over 145 poop puns!

Whether you’re looking for classic jokes or themed puns, this collection will keep the laughs rolling. Just remember, it’s all in good humor—flush those bad vibes and enjoy the jokes!


What makes poop puns so funny?
Poop puns tap into universally relatable experiences, making them humorous to most people!

Why are poop puns considered “bathroom humor”?
“Bathroom humor” refers to jokes about bodily functions, and poop puns fall squarely into this category.

Are poop puns appropriate for all ages?
While most poop puns are light-hearted, it’s best to gauge the audience to ensure they find it amusing!

How can I come up with my own poop pun?
Think of common bathroom experiences and try to add a humorous twist or wordplay to them!

Is toilet humor ever offensive?
Toilet humor can be light and fun, but context matters. It’s important to be mindful of the setting.

Can poop puns help lighten the mood in stressful situations?
Definitely! Humor, especially of the silly variety, can bring much-needed laughter in tense moments.