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145 Panda Puns to Make You Smile

Who doesn’t love pandas? These adorable, black-and-white furballs have captured hearts around the world, and what better way to celebrate them than with panda puns?

In this ultimate wordplay guide, we’ve compiled over 145 hilarious panda puns to keep you entertained and make you smile. 

Panda Puns about Love

  • I’m totally pawsitive you’re the one for me!
  • I can’t bear being away from you.
  • You panda-monium my heart every day.
  • You’re beary special to me.
  • I’ll love you until the bamboo runs out.
  • You’re the bamboo to my heart.
  • I can’t bear to live without you!
  • You’re un-bear-lievably cute.
  • You’re pandorable, and I mean that!
  • I’ve got a soft spot for you like a panda on bamboo.
  • We make the perfect pair of pandas!
  • You’re my bear-y best friend.
  • My love for you is black and white.
  • Let’s panda to each other’s needs!
  • You’ve panda-ged to steal my heart.
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Foodie Panda Puns

  • Can I get some more panda-cakes?
  • I’m in the mood for a bear-y nice bamboo salad.
  • Let’s order some panda-stic bamboo rolls.
  • This sushi is simply panda-licious.
  • I can’t resist bear claws at breakfast!
  • You’re sweet as honey buns.
  • I love my bamboo, medium bear please.
  • I’m a sucker for bamboo stir-fry!
  • How about some dim sum-panda snacks?
  • Pandas love to soy-gn over their food.
  • I’ll have the bear-ger with a side of bamboo fries.
  • Pass me the bear-becue sauce, please!
  • Pandas think bamboo chips are pawsome!
  • Let’s panda over some dumplings.
  • That bamboo smoothie was un-bear-lievable!

Cute Panda Puns

  • I’m bearly awake, but still adorable!
  • You’re beary sweet and cuddly.
  • I’m just a big ball of fluff!
  • You can’t rush a panda – we’re just too pawsome.
  • I’m not lazy; I’m just saving my energy for cuteness.
  • I’m fur-real when I say pandas are adorable.
  • Panda power: because being cute takes skill!
  • I’m black, white, and pawsome all over!
  • I’m bearly here, but always fabulous.
  • Every day is a panda-monium of cuteness.
  • Pandas are always on a roll – a bamboo roll, that is!
  • If cuteness were a sport, pandas would win gold.
  • Panda? More like paw-dorable.
  • I’ve got the fluffiest fur in the forest!
  • Cuddle level: Expert Panda.
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Lazy Panda Puns

  • Why be productive when you can just bear-ly do anything?
  • I’m not lazy, just bear-efficient.
  • Sleeping 16 hours a day is a panda thing, okay?
  • Just bearly moving today.
  • Pandas have mastered the art of the lazy roll.
  • I was going to get up, but then I decided to panda-r to my lazy side.
  • Let’s paws and nap for a while.
  • I’ll get it done, but in panda time.
  • I’ve got 99 problems, but a nap solves them all.
  • Why walk when you can roll?
  • I wasn’t procrastinating, just panda planning.
  • This is my productive panda face… right before a nap.
  • No need to rush – panda patience is key.
  • A little nap now, panda-world domination later.
  • Pandas know the secret to life: Sleep, eat, repeat.

Pun-Filled Panda Jokes

  • Why did the panda like old movies? Because they were black and white!
  • What’s a panda’s favorite film? The Bear Necessities!
  • How does a panda write a letter? With bear hands!
  • Why don’t pandas use computers? They’re too pawsitive.
  • What did the panda say to the chef? Make it bear-y good!
  • What do you call a panda that doesn’t fight? A pacifist bear.
  • Why did the panda bring a backpack? To carry his bear-essentials!
  • How do pandas stay cool in summer? Bear conditioning!
  • Why did the panda get a job? He wanted to make some bear-y nice money.
  • What’s a panda’s favorite fruit? Bearies.
  • Why don’t pandas like fast food? Because they can’t bear the rush!
  • How do pandas open locked doors? With a bear-code!
  • What’s a panda’s favorite dessert? Bear-y pie.
  • Why did the panda go to therapy? To work through his bear baggage.
  • How do pandas communicate? Through bear-ogram messages.

Famous Panda Puns

  • “To be a panda, or not to be.” – Panda Hamlet
  • Pandas might as well be stars because they’ve got paws-itively great charisma!
  • “Here’s looking at you, kid.” – Humphrey Bear-gart
  • “May the bear be with you.” – Star Bears
  • “I think, therefore I bear.” – René Bear-descartes
  • “It’s panda-monium out there!” – Any famous sports announcer
  • “Bamboo there, done that!” – Panda James Bond
  • “Pandas assemble!” – Panda Avengers
  • “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a bear.” – Panda Gone With the Wind
  • “Say hello to my little bear.” – Panda Scarface
  • “I’m going to make him a bear-offer he can’t refuse.” – Panda Godfather
  • “Keep your friends close and your bamboo closer.” – Panda Michael Corleone
  • “You can’t handle the bear!” – Panda A Few Good Men
  • “E.T. bear-phone home.” – Panda E.T.
  • “I’ll be bear-back.” – Panda Terminator

Funny Situational Panda Puns

  • When I’m hungry, I get a little bear-itable.
  • When life gives you bamboo, eat it.
  • If I had a penny for every time I’ve been called “panda-monium,” I’d be rich!
  • Feeling blue? Just panda on through.
  • Nothing like a panda hug to make you feel pawsitive!
  • I’m just trying to panda to the crowd.
  • I’ve been known to bear-ly make it to meetings on time.
  • Going to the bamboo forest? Better bear up for the journey!
  • I panda to my cravings with bamboo snacks.
  • I’m bearly surviving this week, but I’ll make it!
  • When life gets tough, just bearly hang on.
  • Don’t panic, it’s just a little panda-monium.
  • It’s a bear-y big deal when pandas arrive.
  • Just rolling through life, panda style.
  • Life’s more fun when you panda around!
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More Panda Puns

  • You’ve got to bear with me on these puns.
  • It’s hard to bear-lieve how cute pandas are.
  • This party is turning into pure panda-monium.
  • Beary nice to meet you!
  • Pandas make everything a little more bear-able.
  • Bamboo-zled again!
  • What a panda-monious situation!
  • That’s panda-tastic!
  • Bear with me, I’m still thinking of more puns.
  • Let’s have a bear-y fun time together!
  • Panda-pleasing all day!
  • This pun is bamboo-sive!
  • A panda walks into a bar… paws for effect.
  • Pandas are just pawsome, that’s all.
  • Let’s paws and appreciate pandas.
  • Rolling through the day like a panda!
  • You can’t out-pun a panda.
  • Pawsitive vibes only!
  • I’m so beary glad you’re here.
  • Panda patience is always rewarded.
  • It’s black, white, and pun all over!
  • Bamboo you later!
  • I’m the black-and-white sheep of the family.
  • This is bear-y overwhelming!
  • Let’s be pawsitive, not negative.
  • Pandas don’t have time for the paw-ful things in life.
  • Pandas always bear up under pressure.
  • Just a panda looking for more bamboo.
  • Pandas: because regular bears just don’t cut it.
  • Beary tough to come up with so many puns, but I did it!
  • I bearly made it to the end.
  • There’s no bear-y better way to spend your day.
  • Panda power is pawsome power.
  • Bamboo-zlingly good time.
  • Black and white but never plain.
  • Take a paws and appreciate the pandas.
  • Panda-ntastic times ahead.
  • You had me at bamboo.
  • Can’t bear the thought of no more puns.
  • Pandas make every moment beary special.
  • I’m bearly making it through, but pandaing on!
  • Too many puns? Impossible!
  • Panda-rrific is the only way to describe it.
  • Keep calm and panda on!
  • We bearly scratched the surface.
  • Beary impressive puns to end this list!


And there you have it – over 145 panda puns to keep you laughing, smiling, and sharing with your friends!

From love to food to lazy jokes, there’s a pun for every occasion, and we’ve even thrown in a bonus round of 50+ extra puns to ensure you’re never short of panda humor.

So, whether you’re spreading panda cheer or just needing a bear-y good laugh, these puns will have you panda-rolling in no time!