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145 Mustache Puns to Keep You Smiling!

Mustache puns are the ultimate blend of humor and facial hair appreciation!

Whether you’re a fan of a thick handlebar or a dainty pencil mustache, these wordplay jokes will keep you smiling.

Classic Mustache Puns

  • I mustache you a question, but I’ll shave it for later.
  • Life’s better when you have a little hair on your upper lip!
  • What did one mustache say to the other? Nothing, they just twirled!
  • Don’t go shaving off those puns too soon!
  • You mustache me again—because I can’t handlebar this alone.
  • I tried growing a mustache, but it was whisker-y business.
  • That mustache? It’s growing on me!
  • Let’s not beard around the bush—these puns are pretty hairy.
  • What’s a mustache’s favorite kind of clothing? A whisker-knit sweater!
  • I’m going through a ‘stache of bad puns.
  • Never underestimate the power of a well-groomed mustache.
  • Mustache puns always come with a little twist at the end.
  • I wanted to shave my mustache, but it grew on me.
  • You think my mustache is fake? That’s a hair-raising accusation!
  • Is it just me, or do mustaches always steal the spotlight?

mustache puns

Whisker Wordplay

  • Whisker you going with that pun?
  • It takes real whiskerpower to handle all these jokes.
  • I’m whisker-ing you a lot of luck with that mustache.
  • You whisk me off my feet with these puns!
  • Whisker-tickling humor is my specialty.
  • I’m whiskering up some great jokes here.
  • It’s a whisker situation, but we’ll manage.
  • These puns are whisker-y fun!
  • Life without whiskers? That’s just unbearable.
  • I whisk there were more puns to enjoy!
  • How do you fix a broken mustache? With a little whisker glue!
  • My mustache is always in style—whisker trendsetting!
  • Stop whiskering around and listen to these puns!
  • Did you know? Whiskers are a sign of pure pun-tential.
  • I’ve got a whisker idea—more puns!

Handlebar Humor

  • Handlebar mustaches? I can handle that.
  • I mustache you, can you handle this much pun?
  • What’s a handlebar’s favorite sport? Cycling, of course!
  • I can’t handlebar the amount of laughter these puns bring.
  • Let me take the handlebars—I’ve got this pun under control.
  • You think handlebars are just for bikes? Think again!
  • Handlebar mustaches are the handlebars of style.
  • I can handlebar any mustache joke thrown my way.
  • If I had handlebars, I’d ride these puns all day.
  • These puns are so good, they’re worth handlebars!
  • Take the handlebars and steer into more puns.
  • What’s long, twisty, and full of pun potential? A handlebar mustache!
  • Handlebar mustaches and puns: a match made in heaven.
  • I handlebar every pun with style.
  • Are you trying to handle-bar more puns into this list?

mustache puns

Funny Facial Hair Puns

  • Facial hair? More like pun fuel!
  • What’s a beard’s favorite band? ZZ Top, obviously.
  • Facial hair always adds a whisker of humor.
  • I beard-ly recognize you with that new facial hair!
  • Every beard tells a story—this one’s a comedy.
  • Facial hair—because smooth jokes just don’t cut it.
  • This beard is more than just facial hair—it’s a lifestyle!
  • What’s a beard’s least favorite weather? A close shave.
  • What do you call a beard in the rain? A drip-stache!
  • Why do beards always win? Because they’re razor sharp.
  • I bearded myself for a hilarious pun.
  • Have you ever met a beard pun you didn’t like?
  • Beards: the grown-up version of facial fun.
  • Never underestimate the power of facial hair—especially when it’s funny!
  • A beard without puns is like a mustache without twirls.

Movember Jokes

  • Movember: the only month where facial hair becomes a fundraiser!
  • Let’s movember to the punniest jokes!
  • Grow a ‘stache and save a life this Movember.
  • Movember: where every mustache tells a story.
  • Grow a mustache for Movember? I can get behind that.
  • Movember puns grow on you—just like a mustache.
  • Why did the mustache win Movember? Because it was razor-focused.
  • Movember: the art of growing hair for a cause.
  • These Movember jokes are growing faster than my ‘stache!
  • Movember: mustache you to participate.
  • Let’s shave the date—Movember is coming!
  • Who knew growing a mustache could be this much fun?
  • Every whisker in Movember tells a heroic tale.
  • Movember: a time to raise awareness and facial hair!
  • Movember puns are whisker deep in humor.

Puns About Famous Mustaches

  • What did Salvador Dalí say to his mustache? “Stay surreal.”
  • Magnum P.I.’s mustache solves more mysteries than he does.
  • Einstein had wild hair—and a wild mustache to match.
  • Did you hear about Tom Selleck’s mustache? It deserves its own show!
  • The Mona Lisa is smiling because she saw Dalí’s mustache.
  • Teddy Roosevelt’s mustache could win any debate.
  • Can we just agree that Charlie Chaplin’s mustache is iconic?
  • Groucho Marx’s mustache? A masterpiece of comedy.
  • Freddie Mercury’s mustache stole the show at every concert.
  • Burt Reynolds’ mustache? That’s a close shave with greatness.
  • Albert Einstein’s mustache was full of wisdom—and puns.
  • Handlebar mustaches owe their fame to Salvador Dalí.
  • Mark Twain’s mustache had a wit as sharp as his writing.
  • Tom Selleck’s mustache? It’s pure 80s nostalgia.
  • Can you imagine a world without Groucho Marx’s mustache?

mustache puns

Beard vs. Mustache Jokes

  • Why did the mustache break up with the beard? It wanted some space.
  • Beards are cool, but mustaches are cooler!
  • What’s a mustache’s biggest competition? A full beard!
  • Beards might cover more ground, but mustaches make a statement.
  • A beard says “I’m rugged,” a mustache says “I’m refined.”
  • Why don’t mustaches and beards get along? They’re in a hairy situation.
  • The beard might get all the attention, but the mustache does all the talking.
  • Mustaches vs. beards? It’s a whisker-thin rivalry.
  • Can a mustache outgrow a beard? Only in Movember!
  • A beard is just a mustache’s long-lost cousin.
  • When the mustache met the beard, it said, “I’m your upper lip’s best friend.”
  • Beards are bold, but mustaches are timeless.
  • What do you call a mustache with a beard? A whisker-tastic duo!
  • The mustache might be smaller, but it’s got more charisma.
  • Beards are trendy, but mustaches are classics.

Mustache Puns to Keep You Laughing!

  • I moustache you to stop with the bad puns, but I know you can’t!
  • Keep calm and grow a mustache.
  • My mustache is on point, but my puns are sharper.
  • You can never have too many mustache jokes.
  • That’s a hairy situation you’ve got there.
  • A mustache in need is a friend indeed.
  • Mustache or no mustache, that is the question.
  • You’ve got me waxing poetic with these puns.
  • Who needs a beard when your mustache is this fabulous?
  • I’m feeling like a million hair follicles right now.
  • Why grow a mustache? Because it’s a whisker above the rest!
  • A good pun is like a well-groomed mustache—it takes time to grow.
  • I’m not just hair for the fun of it!
  • Don’t shave off the good puns—keep them coming.
  • These jokes are the cream of the crop—like the top of my lip!
  • Mustaches: because sometimes life needs a little more style.
  • I love your mustache—it suits you whiskerfectly!
  • You beard it here first: mustache puns are the best.
  • I mustache my stylist for tips on how to keep this look!
  • My mustache is out of control—just like these puns.
  • Handlebar mustaches are like handlebars for your face.
  • Twirling my mustache while I think of more puns.
  • What did the barber say? “You’ve got to take it hair by hair.”
  • A well-maintained mustache is a thing of beauty—and humor.
  • What’s a mustache’s favorite accessory? A comb-over!
  • I’m trying to grow a mustache, but it’s whisker-y business.
  • Mustaches: because smooth faces are overrated.
  • The best part about a mustache? It never goes out of style.
  • I’m just hair-ing these puns for fun!
  • Why do mustaches make such great comedians? They’re always on the edge.
  • I’m a punster, and I’m not shaving off any of these jokes.
  • Facial hair is just another reason to make people laugh.
  • Why do mustaches always get the last laugh? They’re right under your nose!
  • Mustache puns? You’ve got to handlebar them carefully.
  • A mustache in the hand is worth two beards in the bush.
  • Mustaches make everything better—especially these jokes.
  • What’s better than a mustache? A mustache with a pun to go with it.
  • You’ve got to whisker it to get the pun!
  • Facial hair may come and go, but puns are forever.
  • Stop me if you’ve heard this one: my mustache is fabulous!
  • These puns are a cut above the rest—just like my mustache.
  • It’s a hairy situation, but someone’s got to make the puns.
  • I’m combing through all these jokes, and they’re whisker-worthy.
  • A mustache isn’t just a look—it’s a lifestyle.
  • Can you believe how many mustache puns there are? It’s hair-raising!
  • I tried to grow a beard, but the mustache got all the attention.

Whether you’re growing a magnificent handlebar mustache or simply appreciate some whisker-worthy wordplay, these 145+ mustache puns are sure to keep you entertained.

Mustache humor never gets old, and the puns, much like a well-groomed ‘stache, will continue to grow on you. Keep laughing, and remember—a mustache is always a pun away!


What are some good mustache puns?
Some great mustache puns include “I mustache you a question” and “It’s a whisker situation!”

Why are mustache puns popular?
Mustache puns are popular because they combine humor and style in a fun, relatable way!

What’s a whisker pun?
A whisker pun involves clever wordplay around whiskers, often used in jokes about facial hair.

Why do people make mustache jokes?
Mustache jokes are made to celebrate the quirky and timeless style of mustaches, adding humor to grooming.

Can puns about mustaches be used during Movember?
Absolutely! Mustache puns are a great way to spread awareness and fun during Movember.

How do I make a mustache pun?
Start with a clever play on words around mustaches, such as “I mustache you to enjoy these puns!”