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145 Harry Potter Puns to Cast a Spell on You

Welcome, witches, wizards, and muggles alike! If you’re a fan of Harry Potter and love a good laugh, you’re in for a magical treat.

We’ve brewed up the ultimate guide to Harry Potter puns, with over 145 delightful, witty, and downright spellbinding puns.

So grab your broomstick, your wand, and get ready for a wizarding world of wordplay!

Magical Spell-Related Puns

  • I’m spellbound by how funny this is!
  • That’s riddikulus… or should I say, “pun-dikulus.”
  • You always make me feel expecto punn-tronum.
  • I can’t believe how well these puns are cast — it’s like Accio laughter!
  • Keep calm and cast Wingardium Leviosarcasm.
  • These puns are pure magic, they’re stupefy-ing!
  • Looks like someone cast Aguamenti on my sense of humor — it’s overflowing!
  • Are you a Lumos charm? Because you’re lighting up my day.
  • You must have used Obliviate on me — I can’t remember when I last laughed this hard.
  • Let’s cast Impedimenta on the bad vibes and just enjoy some fun!
  • My sense of humor is as strong as Protego.
  • I would Expelliarmus anyone who tries to stop these puns!
  • These puns are like Incendio – they’re fire!
  • You don’t need Veritaserum to know these puns are hilarious.
  • If I had Felix Felicis, I’d wish for more puns!

Harry Potter puns

Harry Potter Character Puns

  • Hermione Granger? More like Hermione Grin-ger.
  • Ron Weasley always has me laughing ron-stop!
  • Luna Lovegood is pun-believable!
  • Harry’s got me in a stitch-uation with these puns.
  • I bet Fred and George would pun-k it up too.
  • I’m Sirius-ly enjoying these puns!
  • Bellatrix is really pun-ishing.
  • Hagrid a great time reading these!
  • Dobby’s got no pun restrictions—he’s a free elf now!
  • Voldy-more puns, please!
  • Snape yourself before you wreck yourself with too much laughter.
  • I’ve Draco-n these jokes out long enough!
  • Neville-r a dull moment with these puns around.
  • Professor McPun-agall really knows how to transfigure a joke.
  • If I had to choose a pun champion, it’d be Cedric Diggory.

Hogwarts House-Themed Puns

  • I’m a proud member of Pun-fflepuff!
  • Raven-laugh sounds like a great house to me.
  • Gryffin-snore? No way, I’m laughing too hard for that.
  • Slyther-in to some good jokes with these puns!
  • You don’t need to be in Slytherin to serpent-taneously enjoy these.
  • In Gryffin-more, please, I need more puns!
  • These jokes will leave Hufflepuffs huff-le-giggling!
  • I solemnly swear that I’m up to pun-thing good.
  • Join the pun-trio – Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenlaugh!
  • You’ll have to Huff-le-puff after laughing this hard.
  • It’s always a good time to Gryffin-giggle!
  • Let’s all head to the Raven-claw machine for more jokes.
  • Slyther-ious about the power of these puns!
  • When life gives you Slytherins, make slyther-wins!
  • Some of us are just Slyther-winning at life with these puns.

Harry Potter puns

Magical Creatures Puns

  • You’ve Gryffin-rawred me with laughter!
  • I hope you Centaur this list of puns.
  • Thestrals? I Thes-trull can’t see any bad puns here!
  • I’ve got a phoeni-x of good puns for you.
  • These jokes are so good, they’ll make you hippogriff.
  • Don’t be such a basil-isk, laugh a little!
  • Are you part chimaera? Because you’ve got a magical sense of humor.
  • I feel like a werewolf—howling with laughter!
  • That joke was mermades for me.
  • I’d trade my Niffler to hear another joke!
  • You’ve got me laughing like a Pixie!
  • There’s nothing Dementor-ial about these jokes.
  • Call the Ministry of Magic—these puns are too dangerous!
  • Are you a Blast-Ended Skrewt? Because you’ve blown me away with these jokes.
  • Time to Bowtruckle up for more laughter.

Magical Object Puns

  • My broomstick’s all swept up in these puns.
  • The jokes are so good, I feel like I’m on a Nimbus of humor.
  • Even the Marauder’s Map would get lost in how good these are!
  • Time-Turner back the clock, I want to hear these again!
  • Can I borrow a Remembrall so I never forget these puns?
  • You’ve really knocked the snitch out of the park with these jokes.
  • My Invisibility Cloak can’t hide how much I’m laughing.
  • I feel like I’ve been hit with a Bludger—in the best way possible!
  • These puns are like a Quidditch match – non-stop fun!
  • You’ve got the Elder Wand of humor.
  • I’d ride a Firebolt just to hear more jokes.
  • I’m ready to Portkey myself into more laughter.
  • That joke was Pensieve-tively hilarious.
  • This list has me floo-ndering in laughter.
  • These puns have more bite than the Sword of Gryffindor!

Harry Potter Plot-Related Puns

  • I didn’t know Harry Potter could be this pun-believable!
  • That joke made me feel like I just won the Triwizard Tournament.
  • I can’t Horcrux under the weight of these amazing puns!
  • It’s time to split our sides like Voldemort did his soul.
  • These jokes Dumbledore keep getting better.
  • The Goblet of Fire must’ve selected these puns!
  • You’re my chosen pun, Harry!
  • These puns are more satisfying than catching the Golden Snitch.
  • I’d break into Gringotts for more of these jokes!
  • Have a Polyjuice Potion and turn yourself into a pun-master.
  • You’ve Azkaban-ed together a perfect list of puns.
  • If jokes were like Horcruxes, I’d make seven of them.
  • This list is better than a full box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Puns!
  • Even Nagini would laugh at these puns.
  • Petrificus Totalus… these jokes have paralyzed me with laughter.

Harry Potter puns

More Harry Potter Puns

  • Harry’s hair is punstoppable – it’s got alohomora-ble volume!
  • Why did the wizard go to the bar? To get smashed like a Bludger.
  • Quidditch players always chase their dreams.
  • Snape was terrible at potions because he couldn’t stir-up emotions.
  • I’m de-lumos-inated with laughter right now.
  • The Triwizard Cup was a real riddikulus competition!
  • Even Moaning Myrtle is laughing at these jokes!
  • Harry’s hair must have been styled with Sirius-ly good shampoo.
  • These jokes are magic, no need for wand-ering thoughts!
  • Why don’t Hogwarts professors tell jokes? Because they always get hex-ed out!
  • Dobby didn’t leave socks behind—just puns!
  • Harry Potter’s favorite food? Chamber of Secret Sandwiches.
  • Voldemort can’t stand the snicker-ing in the room.
  • The Half-Blood Prince was a punmaster.
  • Professor Snape’s jokes are always delivered dead-pan.
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? It’s Dum-bell-door, here to lift your spirits!
  • What’s Harry’s favorite ice cream flavor? Butter-beer float!
  • Don’t mistle- around with these jokes—they’re too good!
  • I can’t handle how Hermioneous these puns are.
  • Someone needs to teach the Dursleys how to pun-ish properly.
  • Dobby had the freedom to make pun-derful jokes all day!
  • These puns are so funny they should be in the Ministry of Laughs.
  • Fawkes-ing brilliant, these jokes!
  • Even Rita Skeeter would report these puns!
  • You’re Professor-ally cracking me up.
  • Why did Dobby join the choir? Because he had free-quency!
  • Harry’s got a knack for casting off puns like he casts spells.
  • I’m Dumbledore-ly in love with this list!
  • Gryffindor is roaring with laughter, and so am I!
  • Goblet of Fire-ing up the humor in here!
  • I bet these jokes are O.W.L-standing.
  • Harry’s favorite musical instrument? The Slytherin-tar.
  • Even Dumbledore would chuckle at these jokes.
  • Draco always slithers away from a good joke.
  • This list deserves an Order of the Puns!
  • My favorite spell? Pun-gardium Leviosa!
  • Harry doesn’t need Felix Felicis – he’s lucky enough with these jokes.
  • Even Firenze would hoof-it over for a laugh.
  • Beauxbatons has nothing on the magic of these puns!
  • Voldemort? More like Puns-emort!
  • There’s no quid-ditch-ing these jokes!
  • Muggle-born or not, everyone loves these jokes.
  • This pun list is more exciting than the Yule Ball!
  • We need to award these puns the House Cup!

There you have it—a magical collection of over 145 Harry Potter puns to brighten your day and tickle your funny bone!

Whether you’re casting spells, cheering for your Hogwarts house, or simply reminiscing about your favorite characters, these puns are sure to make you laugh. Share them with your fellow Potterheads, and remember: “Mischief managed!”