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145 Hair Puns: Hilarious Hair-raising Jokes

If you’re looking for a way to “brush up” on your wordplay game, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, we’ve compiled over 145 hair puns that will leave you laughing from root to tip.

Whether you’re a stylist, a hair enthusiast, or just someone who enjoys a good pun, we’ve got all the hair-related humor you need.

Bad Hair Day Puns

Everyone has a bad hair day once in a while, but these puns will make even the messiest of locks a little more bearable!

  • I’m having a “hair-mageddon” today.
  • That was a “shear” disaster of a morning.
  • Sometimes you just need to “cut” your losses and move on.
  • My hair is knot having it today.
  • This humidity is making my hair lose its “curl power.”
  • My hairdo is “a-frayed” of commitment.
  • It’s all “downhill” from here.
  • I’m “strand”-ed without my hairspray!
  • It’s going to take a miracle to “untangle” this mess.
  • My hair is out of “control” – I should call the “tangle police.”
  • I guess I’ll just “comb through” my options.
  • “Braid” your expectations, this won’t end well.
  • You could say my hair is in a bit of a “bun-ker.”
  • It’s a ponytail kind of day. Why? Because I’m “tail-ing it.”
  • My hair’s stuck in “a twist” today, literally and figuratively.

hair puns

Haircut Puns

Need a snip of humor for your next trip to the salon? These haircut puns will cut through the noise.

  • I’m about to make the “cutting” edge of fashion.
  • I’m “shear genius” when it comes to haircuts.
  • Do you like my haircut? It’s a “snip-tacular” job!
  • My barber is always “cutting” corners, but it works!
  • I’ve got the “edge” with this new haircut.
  • I couldn’t “cut” it, so I grew it out.
  • My new haircut gives me an “edge” over the competition.
  • You know what they say: “snip happens!”
  • I’m never “shearing” this barber with anyone else.
  • Let’s just say, this haircut was a “close shave.”
  • My hair’s never been “cut-er.”
  • This haircut? It’s “clipping” along nicely!
  • I had to make a “cutthroat” decision at the barbershop.
  • Can’t wait to show off my “new-do.”
  • Just a “snip bit” of a change makes all the difference.

Hair Color Puns

These puns are dye-lightful for anyone who loves switching up their hair color!

  • My hairdresser really “dyed” for this look.
  • I didn’t “dye” for attention, but it happened.
  • It was a “color-iffic” decision to go blonde.
  • My hair is “highlight” of my personality.
  • I told my stylist to go “root-less” with my new color.
  • “Hue” knew this would look so good on me?
  • I’m just trying to add some “dye-namic” to my life.
  • I decided to dye my hair—just for “hues.”
  • I’m feeling very “dye-namic” with this new shade.
  • This new color has really brought some “life” to my locks.
  • I’ll “dye” happy now that I’ve gone red.
  • My hair is “coloring” outside the lines.
  • This shade of blonde has me feeling “bright.”
  • I’ve always had a “hue-morous” side.
  • The new hair color is “dye-no-mite!”

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Curly Hair Puns

Embrace those curls with some fun puns that are as twisted as your locks!

  • My hair is “curl-ting” up to be a great day.
  • I don’t need a plan, I’ll just “roll” with it.
  • It’s not messy, it’s “curl-tural.”
  • Curly hair, don’t care.
  • My curls are the “mane” attraction.
  • I’ll just “curl up” and relax.
  • There’s nothing “twist”ed about loving your curls.
  • My hair is full of “curl-itude.”
  • I love that my hair is a little “curl-fusing” sometimes.
  • Let’s face it, I’ve got “curl-ture.”
  • These curls are my “crowning” glory.
  • My curls are on a roll—literally!
  • I’ve got a real “curl-y” disposition.
  • It’s all in the “twist” of fate.
  • My hair has more twists than a rollercoaster.

Straight Hair Puns

Sometimes keeping it simple with straight hair is all you need, and these puns are sleek!

  • I’m “straight-up” loving this look.
  • My hair is too “straight” for drama.
  • I prefer to keep things “straight-forward.”
  • “Straight-laced” and sleek, that’s how I like it.
  • Life is too short to have “straight hair” problems.
  • My hair is a “straight” shot to success.
  • Keeping it “straight” and to the point!
  • My hair routine is a “straightforward” process.
  • Just call me “Straight to the Top.”
  • I’m feeling “sleek” and chic today.
  • Nothing “kinky” about my straight hair.
  • I’m “straight outta” hair product!
  • Let’s keep things “straight,” no frizz here!
  • My hair is as “straight” as my attitude.
  • Straight hair: it’s “slick,” simple, and stylish.

Long Hair Puns

For those who like to keep their locks long, here are some puns that go the distance!

  • My hair is so long, I’m starting to “drag-on.”
  • I don’t mean to “hair-ry” you, but this will take a while.
  • I guess I’ll just let my hair “down.”
  • My hair is a real “long story.”
  • I’ve got some “long-standing” hair goals.
  • It takes “forever” to wash this mane.
  • I’d “grow on you,” but my hair already has.
  • You know what they say, “the longer, the better.”
  • Long hair? I’ve “locked” it down.
  • I’m the “mane” event with hair this long.
  • These locks are in it for the “long haul.”
  • I’ll just let my hair do the “talking.”
  • I’m not cutting it – I’m in this for the “long” game.
  • My hair is my “long-lasting” love affair.
  • The longer, the “stronger”—that’s my motto.

Short Hair Puns

If you like to keep your hair short and sweet, these puns are the perfect fit.

  • I like to keep things “short and simple.”
  • My new cut is “short” but sweet.
  • Who needs long hair when you can “crop” it?
  • I’m a “short-cutter.”
  • It’s a “short”-coming, but I like it!
  • I’m “buzzing” with excitement for my new short hair.
  • I’ve got “pixie” dust in my hair!
  • My short hair gives me a “sharp” look.
  • Nothing like a “close cut.”
  • I “chopped” off all my problems.
  • No need to “over-cut” it, just go short!
  • I’m a “crop”-star with this new style.
  • Life’s too short to grow your hair out.
  • I took the “short cut” to happiness.
  • Short hair, don’t care.

Bald Puns

For those rocking the bald look, here are puns that shine brighter than your scalp!

  • I’m just trying to “bald-ly” go where no hair has gone before.
  • Bald is beautiful, no “bald-face” lies here.
  • I’m not hairless, I’m “shiny!”
  • Going bald is a real “bald move.”
  • I’ve got a “bald” spot for this look.
  • “Scalp’s” the limit!
  • I prefer to keep things “hair-free.”
  • I “shed” my hair, and I’m loving it.
  • Less hair, more “air.”
  • I’ve got a “head-start” on being bald.
  • Don’t “split hairs,” I’m embracing the shine!
  • Bald men have more “scalp” appeal.
  • My hairstyle? It’s “bald and beautiful.”
  • Bald heads “shine” brighter!
  • You know what they say—less hair, more head!

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More Hair Puns to Keep You Laughing!

  • I guess you could say I’m “part” of the hair club.
  • She really “locks” up all the attention.
  • My hair is so “in-twined” with my personality.
  • I’m on the “cutting edge” of hair fashion.
  • I decided to let my hair “grow wild.”
  • No need to “comb” through the details—just enjoy the puns!
  • My new stylist is “hair-raisingly” good.
  • I had to “cut and run” to get here on time.
  • A good stylist “weaves” their magic into every haircut.
  • “Head” on over for a good time!
  • I’m just trying to get to the “root” of the issue.
  • “Brush” up on your haircare routine.
  • It’s time to “cut loose” and relax.
  • I’m always “teased” about my big hair.
  • My hair “flips” me out sometimes.
  • A good haircut is worth the “split ends.”
  • You know what they say: “split happens!”
  • My hair is “head and shoulders” above the rest.
  • Let’s put that “curl-tain” call on my hair routine.
  • My hair is “mane-ly” a work of art.
  • Why don’t you “fro-get” about the haters?
  • Hair goals? I’ve got “lofty” ambitions.
  • My hair game is “locked” and loaded.
  • I’ve got a new “part-ner” in crime—my hairdresser.
  • I always “root” for good hair days.
  • It’s “shear” magic how good my hair looks.
  • I’m a real “comb-plex” character when it comes to hair.
  • My hair is in its “prime”—I’ll take compliments now.
  • Let’s “knot” forget how great my hair looks today.
  • I’ll “dye” happy with this color.
  • My stylist is a “clip-tastic” artist!
  • I’m “knot” exaggerating, my hair is perfect.
  • I “curl” up in joy over good hair days.
  • I like to “braid” my own path.
  • Time to “hair-dress” my concerns.
  • It’s a “weave” of emotions when I think about my hair.
  • I’m “knot” too sure about this ponytail.
  • I’m “brushing” up on my styling skills.
  • My hair is a “frizz-tacular” masterpiece.
  • I’m having a real “blowout” of a day.
  • My stylist “waves” goodbye to bad hair days.
  • I’m “clipping” along just fine.
  • My hair has more volume than a “rock concert.”
  • My hair’s so fine, it’s “strand-tacular.”
  • This hairstyle has me “twist-ed” with excitement.
  • Time to “lock” down my look for the day.
  • My “hairitage” is full of great styles.


Whether you’re battling a bad hair day, admiring your curls, or rocking a shiny bald head, these 145+ hair puns will leave you chuckling! After all, laughter is the best “hair-apy”!