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145 Eclipse Puns to Brighten Your Day for All Ages

There’s something awe-inspiring about an eclipse. Whether it’s solar or lunar, an eclipse captures our attention and imagination.

But what happens when we mix this astronomical wonder with some lighthearted humor? We get eclipse puns that are simply out of this world! Whether you’re a space enthusiast, an aspiring astronomer, or someone who simply loves clever wordplay, this collection of 145 eclipse puns is bound to make your day brighter.

Solar Eclipse Puns

Solar eclipses are as breathtaking as they are rare, but they also provide a great setup for some witty puns. Here are 15 solar eclipse-themed jokes that will have you laughing as hard as you gaze at the sun (with your special glasses, of course).

  1. What did the sun say to the moon during the eclipse? “Don’t block me, bro!”
  2. Why did the sun go to therapy? It had some deep eclipse issues to work out.
  3. The sun and the moon had a fight, but it wasn’t the sun’s fault—it was eclipsed!
  4. I tried watching the solar eclipse, but I couldn’t see anything. It was a total blackout!
  5. Why did the eclipse break up with the sun? It felt overshadowed.
  6. I always keep a pair of eclipse glasses handy—they’re a bright idea!
  7. The solar eclipse wasn’t the end of the world, but it sure left everyone in the dark.
  8. Did you hear about the eclipse party? It was so bright everyone wore shades!
  9. Eclipse jokes are out of this world—they’ll always leave you starry-eyed.
  10. The solar eclipse got a standing ovation—it really outshined itself.
  11. Why don’t eclipses ever get sad? Because they always see the bright side.
  12. What’s an eclipse’s favorite type of music? Anything under the sun.
  13. I heard the sun got a new job during the eclipse. Now it’s working the night shift!
  14. You think the sun was upset during the eclipse? Nah, it just needed a little shade.
  15. The eclipse is like the sun’s coffee break—it steps out for a bit, but always comes back shining.

eclipse puns

Lunar Eclipse Puns

When the moon takes center stage during a lunar eclipse, the jokes practically write themselves. Enjoy these 15 moon-centric puns for your next sky-gazing session.

  1. Why did the moon bring a flashlight to the eclipse? It didn’t want to be left in the dark.
  2. The lunar eclipse was so emotional, the moon said, “I feel shadowed by the Earth!”
  3. What do you call a moody lunar eclipse? A waning temper!
  4. The moon hosted a comedy night during the eclipse. The jokes were out of this world.
  5. Lunar eclipses always leave the moon feeling blue—especially during a total eclipse.
  6. Why don’t lunar eclipses ever get jealous? They know they’ll always have the night.
  7. I told a lunar eclipse joke last night. It was so funny, it eclipsed everything else!
  8. The moon doesn’t like sharing the spotlight, but it’s okay during a lunar eclipse.
  9. What did the moon say when the eclipse ended? “I’m glad to be back in the light!”
  10. A lunar eclipse always leaves the moon feeling… well, half in the dark.
  11. What do you call a lunar eclipse that doesn’t work out? A waning failure.
  12. The moon gave a speech during the eclipse—it was both illuminating and dark!
  13. Lunar eclipses are the moon’s dramatic exit—when it fades away, only to return later.
  14. I tried telling a lunar eclipse joke, but the punchline was left in the shadows.
  15. The lunar eclipse had a tough day—getting covered by Earth’s shadow was a bit over the top.

eclipse puns

Eclipse Puns for Space Lovers

If you’re a fan of astronomy, these 15 puns will hit all the right celestial notes. Space out with these eclipse-themed quips!

  1. Did you hear about the eclipse that started studying astrology? It had stars in its eyes.
  2. Space and eclipses go hand-in-hand—just like the sun and moon’s dance in the sky.
  3. How do eclipses like their coffee? Solar-blended and out of this world!
  4. Eclipse lovers always have stellar jokes—they’re truly stars of the pun galaxy.
  5. Astronomers love eclipse puns—they make their minds go dark and bright at the same time.
  6. Eclipses are like cosmic high fives between the sun and the moon.
  7. Space puns are great during eclipses—they make things more light-hearted!
  8. I’m so into eclipses, I’m practically over the moon.
  9. Did you see that eclipse? It was a total star of the sky!
  10. Space eclipses are like nature’s way of throwing shade.
  11. Eclipses might be rare, but they always leave a lasting impression in space.
  12. Eclipses are like space magic—they’re out of this orbit!
  13. Why do space fans love eclipses? They’re always a stellar event!
  14. If you love space, eclipse puns will have you over the moon with joy.
  15. Eclipses are like the solar system’s surprise party—no one knows when they’re coming until it’s too late!

Eclipse Dad Jokes

Who doesn’t love a good dad joke? Eclipse-themed dad jokes are the perfect way to get a chuckle (or a groan) from everyone. Here are 15 puns that any dad would love to crack.

  1. What did one eclipse say to the other? “You’re really outshining me today!”
  2. Why did the eclipse go to school? It wanted to be brighter.
  3. I was going to tell an eclipse joke, but it was too dark to see the punchline.
  4. Eclipse glasses? I prefer using my sense of humor to brighten up the day.
  5. I told a joke about the eclipse, but it left everyone in the dark.
  6. Did you see the eclipse? It was so bright, I thought I was seeing stars!
  7. Eclipse jokes are like the sun—you don’t see them coming until it’s too late.
  8. Why do eclipses make bad comedians? They always leave their audience in the shadows.
  9. I tried making an eclipse pun, but it didn’t shine as brightly as I hoped.
  10. How do you stop an eclipse from being so dark? Throw a little light humor into the mix.
  11. Did you hear about the eclipse stand-up show? It was a total blackout!
  12. Eclipse humor may be shady, but it’ll still brighten up your day.
  13. The sun said to the moon during the eclipse, “You’re blocking my shine!”
  14. Eclipse jokes never get old—they just keep orbiting around!
  15. Eclipses and dad jokes have something in common—they both cast a long shadow.

Eclipse Puns for Kids

Kids love space and funny jokes, so these eclipse puns are perfect for little ones. Here are 15 child-friendly eclipse puns to share.

  1. Why did the sun cross the moon? To see the other side during the eclipse!
  2. What do you call an eclipse that tells jokes? A pun eclipse!
  3. Why didn’t the moon go to school during the eclipse? It was too cool for school!
  4. The moon loves to hide behind the Earth—it’s so sneaky during an eclipse!
  5. What’s the moon’s favorite part of an eclipse? Getting some shade!
  6. The sun and moon love eclipse day—it’s their time to shine together.
  7. What did the stars say when the eclipse started? “We’re in the dark about this!”
  8. Eclipses are like nature’s hide-and-seek game between the sun and moon.
  9. The eclipse was so amazing, even the stars couldn’t stop watching!
  10. Why did the eclipse become famous? It was a total star!
  11. The moon’s always excited during an eclipse—it gets to take center stage.
  12. The sun and the moon played hide and seek during the eclipse—guess who won?
  13. What did the sun say to the moon after the eclipse? “See you next time!”
  14. Eclipses are the sun and moon’s favorite playdate.
  15. The moon and the sun have a great relationship—they just need some space during an eclipse.

eclipse puns

Additional Eclipse Puns

Here are more eclipse puns to ensure your humor never fades like the moon during an eclipse. Whether you’re looking for clever wordplay or simply want to amuse your friends, this list has you covered!

  1. Eclipses are like cosmic jokes—they’re always a little shady.
  2. I was going to watch the eclipse, but I got too star-struck.
  3. Eclipses are the solar system’s way of throwing shade.
  4. The sun and moon don’t eclipse each other often—they like to keep things light.
  5. Eclipse jokes are so bright, they’ll blind you with laughter.
  6. The moon was so happy during the eclipse, it was over the moon!
  7. What do you call an eclipse that doesn’t show up? A total blackout.
  8. Why do eclipses get along so well? Because they’re always in sync!
  9. Eclipse jokes are perfect—they’ll always leave you starry-eyed.
  10. The eclipse was so good, even the stars took a day off to watch.
  11. Eclipses and puns go hand in hand—they both brighten up the day.
  12. What do you get when you cross a joke and an eclipse? A total laugh-out!
  13. Eclipses never fail to brighten up my day—they’re just so stellar!
  14. I told my friend an eclipse joke, and now she’s mooning over it.
  15. Eclipses are like dark humor—you either love them or they go right over your head.
  16. The sun was so cool during the eclipse, it threw shade on everything!
  17. Eclipses are like life—sometimes things get dark, but the light always returns.
  18. I heard the eclipse was throwing a party—it was a total blackout!
  19. I love eclipse jokes—they’re a great way to brighten up your mood.
  20. Eclipses have a lot in common with comedy—they always have a dark side.
  21. The eclipse was so bright, even the stars felt overshadowed!
  22. Did you hear about the eclipse? It totally eclipsed everything else in the sky.
  23. The moon and sun had a showdown during the eclipse, but it ended in a total blackout.
  24. Eclipse jokes are perfect for starry nights—they’ll always light up the dark!
  25. What’s a lunar eclipse’s favorite party game? Hide and seek!
  26. Why did the eclipse go to the comedy club? It wanted to brighten up everyone’s night.
  27. The eclipse was so exciting, even the stars stayed home to watch.
  28. Eclipses are the universe’s way of reminding us to look up and laugh.
  29. Did you hear about the eclipse? It was totally out of this world.
  30. The eclipse gave a great performance—it totally overshadowed the stars.
  31. What’s an eclipse’s favorite kind of joke? One with a bright punchline!
  32. Why did the eclipse go viral? It was just too bright to ignore.
  33. The eclipse tried telling a joke, but it was overshadowed by the stars.
  34. Eclipses and jokes go together like the sun and the moon.
  35. The eclipse was so amazing, it left everyone star-struck!
  36. Eclipses are like nature’s way of making us smile, even when things get dark.
  37. The eclipse was so powerful, even the stars dimmed their light.
  38. Eclipses are rare, but eclipse jokes? They never get old.
  39. Why do eclipses always get attention? They know how to steal the spotlight.
  40. I told my friend an eclipse joke, and now she’s totally mooned over it.
  41. Eclipses are nature’s way of throwing shade with style.
  42. What did the sun say after the eclipse? “I’ll be back!”
  43. Eclipses are like cosmic magic tricks—they leave everyone amazed!
  44. Eclipse jokes are so bright, they’ll make your day a little lighter.
  45. I told an eclipse joke during a party, and everyone was over the moon!
  46. The eclipse was so bright, even the stars had to cover their eyes.
  47. Eclipses are like cosmic showstoppers—they always steal the spotlight.
  48. The eclipse left everyone in awe—it was truly a cosmic masterpiece.
  49. Eclipse jokes always have the brightest punchlines.
  50. The eclipse tried to outshine the stars, but it only cast a bigger shadow.


Eclipse puns are the perfect mix of light and shade, combining humor with one of nature’s most spectacular phenomena.

Whether you’re sharing a laugh with friends, looking for a witty caption, or simply enjoying a good pun, these eclipse-themed jokes are sure to brighten your day. So next time you witness an eclipse, remember to have these puns ready to eclipse the competition in any joke-off!