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145 Bagel Puns That Are Hole-some and Delicious!

Whether you’re a bagel lover or simply a fan of wordplay, this ultimate guide to bagel puns will make your day a little more “hole-some.”

From punny breakfast jokes to dough-licious wordplay, we’ve categorized these puns so you can enjoy a delicious laugh at any time of the day. Let’s roll!

Bagel Puns About Breakfast

  • What’s a bagel’s favorite time of day? Morning—when it’s toasted!
  • I like my mornings like I like my bagels: warm and chewy.
  • Bagels are just doughnuts for breakfast lovers who like to keep things “hole-some.”
  • I told my bagel it’s too cold—now it’s giving me the cold shoulder.
  • My bagel was late for breakfast; I guess it slept in the toaster.
  • Why did the bagel go to therapy? It had too many layers to peel back.
  • My bagel never tells secrets. It’s great at keeping things under wraps.
  • Why don’t bagels get married? They can’t find a partner who’s the right schmear.
  • Bagels at breakfast? Now that’s a “hole” lot of fun.
  • I like my mornings cheesy—so I have a bagel with cream cheese.
  • Bagels never get sad in the morning; they’re just bready to start the day.
  • Why did the egg say to the bagel, “You crack me up”? Because together, they make an egg-cellent breakfast!
  • Having a bad day? Bagels say, “Just roll with it!”
  • I asked my bagel how it’s feeling—it said, “I’m on a roll!”
  • Eating bagels in the morning makes my day start off “hole-some.”

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Bagel Puns About Love and Relationships

  • You’re the schmear to my bagel.
  • If you were a bagel, you’d be everything.
  • I told my bagel I loved it, and it replied, “I knead you too.”
  • Why don’t bagels ever get jealous? They’re always well-rounded.
  • You’re the cream cheese to my bagel—always smooth.
  • Bagels and love are the same—they make everything better.
  • Bagel love? It’s like a warm, doughy hug for your soul.
  • I’m bagels over heels for you.
  • My love for you is like a bagel—round and never-ending.
  • You’re the butter to my bagel—always the perfect match.
  • Bagel love is true love because it’s a-dough-able.
  • When we’re together, everything is “hole” again.
  • If love were a bagel, I’d want a dozen of you.
  • Love is like a bagel—best when shared.
  • You complete me like a bagel with a schmear of cream cheese.

Bagel Puns About Food and Toppings

  • Bagels are “everything” when you add the right toppings.
  • I was going to add bacon to my bagel, but I thought, “That’s too much pigging out.”
  • Topping a bagel is like dressing up—it’s all about the right layers.
  • Why did the cream cheese bring a bagel to the party? It wanted to get toasted.
  • I made a joke about cream cheese, but it didn’t spread well.
  • Bagels without toppings? That’s plain boring.
  • Avocado on bagels? That’s just a-peel-ing.
  • Bagels with lox? That’s a fishy situation, but a delicious one.
  • Cream cheese never argues with a bagel because it knows how to spread happiness.
  • When it comes to bagel toppings, I’m “on a roll.”
  • My bagel fell on the floor, but don’t worry, it was “all rye!”
  • Bagels without butter? That’s just half-baked.
  • I tried to make a bagel sandwich, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted top or bottom first.
  • Bagel toppings are like friends—you’ve got to pick the right ones.
  • Peanut butter and bagels? That’s just “nutty.”

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Bagel Puns About Fitness and Health

  • Eating bagels before a workout gives me the power to roll through it.
  • Bagels are part of a balanced diet—just roll with it.
  • Why did the bagel start jogging? It wanted to be in better shape.
  • No matter how fit you get, you’ll always be a little doughy.
  • Bagels after a workout? That’s the ultimate “carb up.”
  • My fitness routine is like a bagel—it comes full circle.
  • Bagels and fitness go hand in hand because they both involve “running” around.
  • Why did the fitness instructor recommend bagels? Because they’re good for rolling with life’s challenges.
  • Eating a bagel before a workout is called “fueling the dough.”
  • You can’t out-train a bad diet, but you can enjoy a bagel after trying.
  • What did the fitness coach say to the bagel? “You’re in a great shape for a roll.”
  • Bagels are perfect for cheat days because they’re always bready for it.
  • Bagels are part of a balanced life—they remind you to keep things in the round.
  • Running a marathon? Don’t forget to bagel up for fuel.
  • A bagel a day keeps the roundness at bay.

Bagel Puns About Work and Productivity

  • My boss asked me how I stay productive. I said, “I’m on a roll!”
  • Bagels help me stay focused because they remind me to “round out” my day.
  • Why don’t bagels work on weekends? They knead a break.
  • If life gives you dough, make bagels—and work hard while you’re at it.
  • I’m toasted from work, but this bagel will perk me right up.
  • When I need to focus, I grab a bagel and remind myself to stay well-rounded.
  • Bagels make work meetings better—they keep everyone on a roll.
  • I told my boss I’m a bagel at heart—always well-rounded and ready for the next task.
  • Need a productivity boost? Just roll with it, like a bagel.
  • Why did the bagel get promoted? It knew how to stay in the round.
  • Bagels at work mean one thing—you’re on a roll.
  • My productivity secret? Start the day with a bagel and get rolling.
  • A bagel a day keeps work stress at bay—it’s the ultimate comfort food.
  • When I feel unproductive, I just remember that bagels take time to rise, and so do I.
  • Want to boost your productivity? Try a bagel break—it’s good for the soul.

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Bagel Puns About Friends and Family

  • My family is like a bagel—full of good stuff and always close-knit.
  • Friends are like bagels—always better with a schmear of kindness.
  • Why did the bagel bring friends to the party? It wanted to roll in good company.
  • Bagels bring families together—especially when there’s cream cheese involved.
  • My friends are the “everything” to my bagel.
  • Why don’t bagels argue with their family? They’re always on the same roll.
  • My family is like a bagel—always there for each other, even when things get tough.
  • Bagels are great for family gatherings because they keep everyone in the round.
  • My friends are the butter to my bagel—they make life smoother.
  • Want to strengthen friendships? Share a bagel, spread kindness.
  • Why do bagels make great friends? Because they’re always well-rounded.
  • My bagel-loving friends and I are always in good company—we roll together.
  • Family is like a bagel—simple, satisfying, and full of love.
  • Want to bond with family? Bring bagels to the table and see the magic happen.
  • Bagels are the glue that holds friendships together—especially with extra toppings.

More Bagel Puns to Keep You Rolling

  1. What do you call a bagel that can sing? A dough-re-mi.
  2. Bagels are so inclusive—they come in every “grain” of life.
  3. Why don’t bagels ever get angry? They’re always in a good place.
  4. Bagels don’t brag—they’re just humble rolls.
  5. I asked my bagel why it’s always so well-rounded. It said, “I’ve been through a lot.”
  6. What do bagels do at night? They “rise” to the occasion.
  7. Bagels don’t need to prove anything—they’re already legendary.
  8. Why did the bagel take a nap? It was baked.
  9. I brought my bagel to the library—it loves to “roll” through books.
  10. Bagels and coffee? The perfect pair of “roll” models.
  11. Bagels make the world go ‘round—quite literally.
  12. Why are bagels such good listeners? Because they’re great at filling holes in conversations.
  13. Bagels don’t get bored—they’re always “on a roll.”
  14. What do you call a bagel in space? An “outer-roll” object.
  15. My bagel wanted a new job, so it started rolling its way to success.
  16. Bagels are “dough-lightful” little treats.
  17. Want to impress a bagel? Make it “a-dough-able.”
  18. When I need to focus, I take a bagel break—it helps me “roll” through tough times.
  19. Bagels are like life—they rise when you give them time.
  20. My bagel can’t handle stress—it’s “crumbling” under pressure.
  21. I like my bagels the way I like my jokes—topped with a little wit.
  22. Bagels are like pets—you’ve got to take care of them before they go stale.
  23. I asked my bagel how it stays so calm—it said, “I’m just well-rounded.”
  24. Bagels don’t get upset—they just stay in their “roll” zone.
  25. Why are bagels so popular? Because they’re always the “center” of attention.
  26. What do bagels and teamwork have in common? They’re better when everyone contributes.
  27. Bagels are like puzzles—there’s always more to discover.
  28. Why don’t bagels gossip? Because they know how to stay in their lane.
  29. My bagel told me it’s got big dreams—it wants to be on a “roll” one day.
  30. Bagels are the ultimate comfort food—they “round” out any meal.
  31. Want to impress a bagel? Serve it with style.
  32. Bagels are like jokes—they rise best when they’re warm.
  33. My bagel is an overachiever—it’s always rising to the top.
  34. Why do bagels never worry? Because they’re always well-prepped.
  35. What did the bagel say when it crossed the finish line? “I’m on a roll!”
  36. Bagels don’t need fame—they’re content just being round.
  37. Why do bagels make great comedians? Because they’ve got “pun-ny” layers.
  38. My bagel tried acting once—it was a flop, but it had fun.
  39. What’s the secret to a good bagel? It’s all in the twist.
  40. Bagels and patience go hand-in-hand—it takes time to rise.
  41. Why are bagels such good teachers? They’re always rounding out their lessons.
  42. What did the bagel say to the muffin? “Rise to the occasion, buddy!”
  43. Bagels don’t judge—they just roll with it.
  44. I asked my bagel why it’s so quiet—it said, “I’m just ‘hole-ing’ it in.”
  45. Bagels and books make the perfect pair—one feeds the body, the other the soul.
  46. Bagels and laughter? That’s dough-lightful company.
  47. Want to make a bagel laugh? Just give it a twist.
  48. Why are bagels always happy? Because they’re baked with love.
  49. Bagels are the ultimate multitaskers—they’re great on their own or with toppings.
  50. If you were a bagel, you’d be the cream of the crop.


Bagel puns are the perfect way to bring a smile to any situation, whether you’re enjoying a delicious breakfast or simply need a dough-licious laugh.

With over 145 puns in this guide, you’ll never run out of ways to “spread” the joy. So next time you’re enjoying a bagel, don’t forget to share the punny love!