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145 Elephant Puns that Will Make You Smile

Elephants are majestic, intelligent, and enormous—just like the joy you’ll feel reading through these fun and clever puns!

Whether you’re looking for something to make your friends laugh or you simply love a good wordplay, this list of elephant puns will be perfect for any occasion. Let’s dive trunk-first into the fun!

Clever Elephant Puns

  • Why don’t elephants use computers? Because they’re afraid of the mouse!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite sport? Squash!
  • Why did the elephant paint its toenails red? To hide in a cherry tree!
  • How do you stop an elephant from charging? Take away its credit card!
  • What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? An irrelephant!
  • Why don’t elephants ever pay for anything? Because they’re always on their trunks!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite type of shoe? A trunk boot!
  • How do elephants keep in shape? They lift peanuts!
  • What did the elephant say to his girlfriend? “I’m all ears!”
  • Why don’t elephants ever travel by plane? Their trunks are always over the weight limit!
  • How does an elephant get out of a tree? It sits on a leaf and waits for autumn!
  • What do you call an elephant who runs away from the circus? A pachyderm deserter!
  • Why did the elephant join the band? Because he knew how to toot his own horn!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite instrument? The trom-bone!
  • How do you know when an elephant’s been in the fridge? There are footprints in the butter!

elephant puns

Funny Elephant Puns for Kids

  • Why do elephants never use phones? They always have big ears to listen!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite type of candy? Peanut brittle!
  • How do elephants talk to each other? They use their trunks for long-distance calling!
  • Why don’t elephants play cards in the jungle? There are too many cheetahs!
  • What’s the difference between an elephant and a loaf of bread? You don’t know? Then I’m never sending you to the store!
  • How do you fit an elephant into a suitcase? You pack its trunk first!
  • What did the mom elephant say to her son? “Don’t be so ir-elephant!”
  • How do you know if there’s an elephant under your bed? Your nose will touch the ceiling!
  • Why do elephants hate running marathons? They always get trunk-tired!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite flower? Trunk roses!
  • What do elephants use to pack for vacation? Their trunks!
  • How do elephants stay cool? They use their big ears as fans!
  • What do you get if you cross an elephant with a rhino? Elephino (I don’t know)!
  • What do elephants do when they’re stressed? They blow off steam—literally!
  • Why do elephants make great musicians? They always hit the right note!

Cute Elephant Puns

  • What’s an elephant’s favorite type of art? Trunk sketches!
  • Why did the baby elephant bring a suitcase to school? Because it wanted to pack its trunk!
  • How do elephants say goodbye? “I’ll pack my trunk and go!”
  • Why did the elephant bring a map to the zoo? So it wouldn’t forget where its trunk was parked!
  • Why are elephants bad at hiding? Because no matter where they stand, their trunks stick out!
  • How do you keep an elephant from smelling? You hold its trunk shut!
  • Why do elephants love to dance? They have the best trunk moves!
  • What did the elephant say to the peanut butter? “I’m nuts about you!”
  • How does an elephant say sorry? “I didn’t mean to trunk you off!”
  • Why do elephants wear sneakers? Because they want to sneak around the jungle!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite Christmas song? “Deck the Halls with Trunks of Holly!”
  • What did the elephant say after his performance? “Thanks, it was an elephant-astic show!”
  • How does an elephant feel on a trampoline? Elevated!
  • Why don’t elephants wear hats? Because they’ve already got big ears!
  • What do elephants like to read? Trunk novels!

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Elephant Wordplay Puns

  • Why was the elephant a good actor? He knew how to trunk his lines!
  • Why don’t elephants write with pencils? They prefer their trunks to hold paintbrushes!
  • How does an elephant text? With trunk talk!
  • What did the elephant chef make for dessert? Peanut butter trunk-ies!
  • Why did the elephant become a comedian? He had an “ear” for jokes!
  • How do elephants celebrate birthdays? With a huge trunk cake!
  • Why was the elephant good at solving problems? He could think outside the trunk!
  • What do you call an elephant that writes poetry? An ele-quent!
  • What kind of car does an elephant drive? A trunk!
  • What do you call an elephant that’s good at math? An elephant genius!
  • Why did the elephant become a teacher? Because it had a ton of knowledge to share!
  • Why do elephants love music? Because it speaks to their big ears!
  • What did the elephant say after winning a game? “I’ve got the memory of a champ!”
  • Why was the elephant great at multitasking? Because he could handle a ton at once!
  • How do elephants greet each other? “Long time no trunk!”

Punny Elephant Jokes

  • Why did the elephant bring a ladder to the bar? To reach new heights!
  • How do you make an elephant float? With root beer, ice cream, and a big straw!
  • What do you call an elephant that tells lies? An ele-fib!
  • Why do elephants never tell secrets? They’ve got the biggest ears around!
  • How do elephants enjoy their tea? They drink it with trunk-fuls of honey!
  • Why do elephants love jokes? Because they always get a trunkle out of them!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite movie? “Dumbo!”
  • Why do elephants never get lost? Because they always know where their trunk is!
  • What did the elephant say when it saw a mouse? “I’m trunk-stonished!”
  • Why do elephants never forget birthdays? They’ve got a ton of memory!
  • How do elephants find their way in the jungle? They trunk along!
  • What do you call an elephant that loves sports? A sporta-phant!
  • Why do elephants love bananas? Because they can easily trunk them down!
  • How does an elephant fix a broken clock? With trunking time!
  • Why did the elephant go to school? To learn trunk-shion!

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More Hilarious Elephant Puns

  • How do elephants clean their ears? With trunk-sized Q-tips!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite dessert? Peanut butter pie!
  • How do elephants apologize? “I didn’t mean to make a trunk of it!”
  • Why did the elephant break up with his girlfriend? She didn’t measure up!
  • How do elephants do yoga? With perfect trunk-stance!
  • What’s an elephant’s least favorite season? Fall—they can’t fit in leaf piles!
  • Why did the elephant go to therapy? To unpack its trunk issues!
  • How do you know when an elephant is about to sneeze? It lifts its trunk!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite bedtime story? “The Trunk and the Lion!”
  • Why did the elephant get detention? He was caught trunk-ating his homework!
  • What do you call an elephant who’s a gossip? An ele-friend who talks behind trunks!
  • How does an elephant go swimming? With a trunk-snorkel!
  • Why was the elephant a great detective? It had an eye for detail!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite board game? Trunk-opoly!
  • Why do elephants make great pilots? They always fly trunk-class!
  • What kind of TV shows do elephants love? Trunk flicks!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite social media platform? Trunk-agram!
  • How do elephants keep up with the news? They read the daily trunk-news!
  • What did the elephant say after a workout? “I feel trunk-tastic!”
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite subject in school? Trunk-nology!
  • Why did the elephant start a podcast? To spread trunkfuls of knowledge!
  • How do you know if an elephant is happy? It trunk-smiles!
  • What did the elephant say to the trees? “I’ll never leaf you!”
  • Why did the elephant fail the driving test? Its trunk got in the way!
  • What do you call an elephant who loves to travel? A trunk nomad!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite drink? Trunk punch!
  • Why did the elephant bring a blanket to the party? It was trunking cold!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite instrument? The trunket!
  • Why was the elephant a great leader? It had a ton of wisdom!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite part of the day? Trunk time!
  • Why do elephants love going to the beach? They enjoy trunk-surfing!
  • How do you keep an elephant entertained? Give it a trunk puzzle!
  • What do elephants wear to formal events? Trunk suits!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite ice cream? Trunk-chocolate chip!
  • Why did the elephant join a fitness club? It wanted to work on its trunk strength!
  • How do elephants play hide-and-seek? By hiding behind trees with their trunks out!
  • Why did the elephant go to art school? It wanted to master trunk-painting!
  • How do elephants send letters? With trunk-mail!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite movie genre? Trunk-dramas!
  • Why do elephants love their families? They’re always trunk-tight!
  • How does an elephant organize its day? With a trunk planner!
  • What’s an elephant’s favorite fruit? Trunk-apples!
  • How do elephants decorate their houses? With trunk-accessories!
  • Why do elephants never argue? They don’t like making a trunk-ument!
  • What did the elephant say to the giraffe? “You’ve got your head in the clouds!”
  • How do elephants relax after a long day? They enjoy a trunk-massage!
  • Why did the elephant go to the zoo? To meet trunk-friends!


Elephant puns are a delightful way to brighten anyone’s day, whether you’re chatting with friends or just need a good laugh.

With over 145 trunk-tastic puns to choose from, you’re sure to find one that hits the right note every time! Save these for later or share with your pachyderm-loving pals!