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145 Leaf Puns to Make You “Turn Over a New Leaf”

If you’re looking to branch out and add a little humor to your life, you’ve come to the right place.

In this ultimate guide to leaf puns, we’ve collected over 145 of the most pun-derful, leaf-inspired jokes.

Whether you’re a nature lover or just looking to leaf through something lighthearted, we’ve got you covered!

General Leaf Puns

  1. I’m really falling for these puns!
  2. You better be-leaf it!
  3. I’m going out on a limb here.
  4. Leaf it to me to crack a joke.
  5. Turn over a new leaf today.
  6. Let’s make like a tree and leaf.
  7. You’ve got to be-leaf in yourself.
  8. I’m rooting for you.
  9. Can’t be-leaf I didn’t think of that one sooner.
  10. I’m feeling unbeleaf-able today.
  11. You’re such a tree-mendous friend!
  12. Don’t leaf me hanging!
  13. These puns are so tree-mendous.
  14. I’m oak-ay with these jokes.
  15. I’m branching out into humor!

leaf puns

Autumn Leaf Puns

  1. Fall in love with these puns.
  2. Autumn-atically laughing at these!
  3. Orange you glad it’s fall?
  4. I’m totally falling for you.
  5. You’re the apple of my fall.
  6. Don’t go raking my heart.
  7. Leaf me alone—I’m enjoying autumn.
  8. Everything’s looking fall-tastic!
  9. This autumn weather is unbe-leaf-able.
  10. I’ll never leaf you out in the cold.
  11. It’s hard to deciduous.
  12. Raking up some good times!
  13. Don’t leaf your troubles behind—face them head-on.
  14. Fall sure has a way of growing on you.
  15. I love fall-leaf-ing into this season.

Tree and Nature Puns

  1. That idea is a little shady.
  2. Let’s branch out and try something new.
  3. You’re barking up the wrong tree!
  4. I can’t see the forest for the trees.
  5. That joke was a bit sappy.
  6. I’ll never fir-get you!
  7. I’m pining for you!
  8. I can’t fir-get these tree jokes.
  9. What a tree-mendous achievement!
  10. You woodn’t believe how funny this is.
  11. Tree-sure these moments.
  12. Don’t take things for planted.
  13. I’m stumped for ideas.
  14. Forest through the trees—it’s all puns.
  15. Don’t be so aspen-ive, just laugh!

leaf puns

Leafy Love Puns

  1. I love you more than leaves in autumn.
  2. I’ve be-leaf-ed in love at first sight!
  3. You’re a tree-mendous catch.
  4. Falling for you has been the best.
  5. Let’s make like leaves and turn over a new relationship.
  6. I’m rooted in my love for you.
  7. You make my heart flutter like a falling leaf.
  8. My love for you is evergreen.
  9. I’ve really grown to love you.
  10. We’re oak-ay together.
  11. We belong-together like leaves on a tree.
  12. You’re so a-peeling!
  13. You’re my tree-son to smile.
  14. You make me feel all warm and autumn-y inside.
  15. I think you’re tree-mendously special.

Workplace Leaf Puns

  1. Time to leaf work behind!
  2. My productivity is branching out.
  3. Let’s plant the seeds of success.
  4. Looks like we’re rooted in our strategy.
  5. I wood love to help you with that project.
  6. I’m branching out into new projects.
  7. That idea is deeply rooted in logic.
  8. Let’s leave no leaf unturned in this report.
  9. I’m raking in the compliments.
  10. This presentation is evergreen.
  11. Can’t wait to turn over a new leaf with this task.
  12. This meeting has leaf-ed me breathless.
  13. I’ll tree-t you to lunch after this!
  14. Time to turn the page and leaf forward.
  15. I’m planting the seed for success today.

Weather Leaf Puns

  1. Things are looking unbeleafably bright today!
  2. The wind blew away all my doubts.
  3. It’s raining leaves!
  4. This weather’s got me falling for you.
  5. Don’t let the wind blow away your spirit.
  6. Leaf through this storm and you’ll be fine.
  7. Fall breezes sure are refreshing.
  8. I’ve got a gust of excitement today.
  9. Weathering through tough times like a strong oak.
  10. We’re in the eye of the hurricane.
  11. The wind whispered a leaf pun to me.
  12. It’s time to blow everyone away!
  13. I’ll be-leaf when the storm passes.
  14. Let the autumn wind carry your troubles away.
  15. When the wind picks up, you can still leaf through.

Food-Related Leaf Puns

  1. Lettuce be friends!
  2. Salad days are here again.
  3. Don’t leaf the salad untouched!
  4. I’m leaf-ing nothing on my plate.
  5. Kale me, this salad is delicious!
  6. You’re the beet of my heart.
  7. This salad dressing is unbe-leaf-able.
  8. Stop romaine-ing around and enjoy the meal.
  9. You’re so a-peeling!
  10. Beet it, these veggies are fresh!
  11. Olive you from my head tomatoes.
  12. This is grape fun!
  13. Be-leaf me, this is the best salad ever!
  14. I can’t stop eating—it’s leaf-alicious!
  15. I’m spinach-ing this whole bowl off!

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Extra Leaf Puns

  1. Leaf it to me to come up with 50 more puns!
  2. You’re rooted in greatness.
  3. Don’t be so deciduous—it’s unbe-leaf-able!
  4. Falling for these puns never gets old.
  5. Why rake your brain for more puns? We’ve got them all.
  6. You’ve got to spruce things up sometimes.
  7. Leaf your mark on the world.
  8. Don’t leaf a stone unturned!
  9. You woodn’t believe how many puns I have.
  10. Tree-son to believe in yourself!
  11. I’m a sucker for leaf jokes.
  12. Rooting for you to succeed!
  13. Let’s plant the seeds of humor!
  14. Don’t take me for planted.
  15. My bark is worse than my bite.
  16. Let’s get to the root of the problem.
  17. This is sappy but true.
  18. Pine-ing for some more puns?
  19. Oak-ay, you win this time.
  20. These jokes are so evergreen.
  21. I’ll birch you another pun if you want!
  22. You maple me laugh!
  23. You cedar better side of me today.
  24. I’m stumped by your brilliance.
  25. This tree-nuous process is worth it!
  26. Palm your hands for more laughs!
  27. Don’t sycamore leaf puns on me!
  28. You’ve got this pine-d!
  29. Rake in those compliments.
  30. Time to sprout some new ideas.
  31. I’m so leafy right now!
  32. Ready to take a leaf of faith?
  33. Don’t leaf me behind.
  34. Leaf well enough alone.
  35. It’s time to leave this behind—kidding!
  36. Seed you later!
  37. I’m feeling fir-miliar with these puns.
  38. You woodn’t believe the next one!
  39. Got any more branch-tastic jokes?
  40. Tree-sy does it.
  41. A branch of humor for every mood.
  42. Forest through the jokes.
  43. Wood you like another one?
  44. This is tree-mendously fun.
  45. Don’t be deciduous, be confident!
  46. I’m rooted in joy.
  47. Spruce up your day with a laugh.
  48. I’m not pine-ing for more, I’ve got plenty!
  49. You’ll be-leaf in the power of puns now.
  50. It’s time to make like a tree and leaf!


Who knew that leaves could be so funny? With over 145 leaf puns to enjoy, there’s no shortage of humor to share with your friends, family, or coworkers.

Whether it’s a simple leaf pun for a casual conversation or a deep-rooted joke about trees, you’re now fully prepared to “branch out” and spread some laughter. Be-leaf in the power of a good pun!