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145 Math Puns That Will Multiply Your Laughter

Math might be known for being serious and complex, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be a lot of fun!

If you’re the type who enjoys a little laughter while solving equations or tackling tricky problems, then you’re in the right place.

Math Puns for Students

Let’s start with some lighthearted puns that students can enjoy. These will make classroom learning just a bit more bearable, and maybe even bring some laughs to math homework time.

  1. Why was the equal sign so humble? Because it knew it wasn’t less than or greater than anyone else.
  2. What did the math book say to the therapist? “I’ve got a lot of problems.”
  3. Why don’t you do arithmetic in the jungle? Because if you add 4+4, you get ate!
  4. I put my root beer in a square glass. Now it’s just beer.
  5. Why did the student do multiplication problems on the floor? Because the teacher told him not to use tables.
  6. Are monsters good at math? Not unless you Count Dracula.
  7. What’s a math teacher’s favorite season? Sum-mer.
  8. Why was the math test so unhappy? It had too many variables.
  9. Why are obtuse angles always so sad? Because they’re never right.
  10. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He will stop at nothing to avoid them.
  11. Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet.
  12. Why is math always so tidy? It keeps its problems in line.
  13. Why did the geometry teacher open a bakery? She heard it was a good way to make some dough.
  14. What’s a math teacher’s favorite place in New York? Times Square.
  15. The problem with math puns? Calculating when they become too much.

math puns

Geometry Puns

Geometry may deal with shapes, but these jokes will bring your sense of humor into alignment with some sharp angles and smooth curves!

  1. What do you call more than one L? A parallel.
  2. Why was the obtuse angle so frustrated? Because he was never right.
  3. What shape is always willing to share? A cone, because it has no sides.
  4. I met a circle that was so good at explaining things. It had a way of going around in circles without being boring.
  5. What did the triangle say to the circle? You’re pointless!
  6. Why did the circle break up with the line? It found someone more well-rounded.
  7. Why do triangles always gossip? Because they have two sides to every story.
  8. What did the pentagon say to the hexagon? Quit trying to fit in, this is a five-sided discussion.
  9. Why did the square break up with the triangle? It found the triangle too obtuse.
  10. Why do mathematicians love parks? They’re filled with angles of relaxation.
  11. Why are circles always so calm? Because they have no edges to stress about.
  12. What’s a polygon’s favorite kind of music? Hip to be square!
  13. I don’t trust people who can’t handle basic geometry. They’re just too sketchy.
  14. What’s the similarity between a circle and a politician? They go around in circles.
  15. Why are right angles always so strong? Because they’re 90 degrees of solid!

Algebra Puns

Algebra may seem intimidating at times, but these puns are sure to solve that problem. Whether you’re battling equations or just need a laugh, we’ve got you covered.

  1. Why did the algebra book look so sad? It had too many problems.
  2. I used to hate math, but then I realized decimals have a point.
  3. What’s the best tool for solving complex algebra problems? A protractor, it’ll help you keep your angles straight.
  4. Why do math teachers love parks? Because of all the natural logarithms.
  5. If I had a dollar for every time I had to solve an algebra problem, I’d have ‘x’ dollars.
  6. Why did the mathematician break up with their significant other? They were too irrational.
  7. What do you call an algebra teacher who doesn’t have any students? Solitary.
  8. Algebra: The only place where you can commit to an unknown and not get in trouble.
  9. What do you call an algebra teacher who moonlights as a detective? A problem-solver.
  10. Why was the algebra book so confusing? It had too many variables.
  11. The mathematician didn’t trust their partner. Why? Too many exes.
  12. I can never solve for x. It’s always running away from me.
  13. Algebra and dating are similar—you don’t know what you’re getting into with all those unknowns.
  14. In algebra, you’re either part of the solution or part of the problem.
  15. Why are mathematicians such bad dancers? They can’t find their coordinates.

math puns

Pi Puns

Pi might be an irrational number, but these puns make perfect sense for anyone who loves this famous mathematical constant.

  1. What’s the official animal of Pi Day? The Pi-thon.
  2. Why should you never talk to pi at a party? It just goes on forever.
  3. Never talk to pi. You’ll get no where.
  4. What did pi say to its girlfriend? “You complete me… to an infinite number of decimal places.”
  5. Why was Pi always calm? It never gets irrational.
  6. What did the mathematician say when his wife gave birth? It’s a pi!
  7. What do you get when you divide a pumpkin’s circumference by its diameter? Pumpkin pi.
  8. What do you get if you eat too much pi? A big circumference.
  9. Pi is a constant problem, but it sure is sweet.
  10. You should always trust pi. It’s a non-ending cycle of truth.
  11. Why was Pi always so good at solving problems? Because it’s irrationally smart.
  12. What did Pi say to the fraction? “Stop being so rational.”
  13. Why do mathematicians like desserts? Because they enjoy Pi with every slice.
  14. I love Pi, but I know when I’ve had enough.
  15. What’s a mathematician’s favorite dessert? Apple Pi, of course.

Number Puns

Numbers don’t have to be boring. These jokes are proof that numbers can be amusing in all their infinite glory.

  1. Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine!
  2. What’s a mathematician’s favorite game? Numbers, but they don’t count on anyone.
  3. Why can’t you trust an atom? Because they make up everything, just like a poorly calculated number.
  4. Zero said to eight, “Nice belt!”
  5. I asked the mathematician what two and two made. They said, “Four” and walked away like it was nothing.
  6. What did the number zero say to the number eight? Nice belt!
  7. Why was the number one upset with its reflection? It saw double.
  8. Seven days without math makes one weak.
  9. What’s a mathematician’s favorite way to stay warm? Add layers.
  10. Numbers never lie, but they often exaggerate.
  11. Why did one divide its friends? It was just trying to keep things equal.
  12. What number is always on its best behavior? Ten, because it always comes first.
  13. Why can’t numbers relax? They’re always under a lot of pressure.
  14. The number four is feeling so down. He just feels so divided.
  15. What do numbers do on their day off? They go figure skating!

Math Teacher Puns

Teachers have the unique ability to turn complex subjects into something understandable, but these math puns are all about making things hilariously simple.

  1. What’s a math teacher’s favorite type of tree? Geometry.
  2. Why did the teacher break up with math? It was too many problems.
  3. My math teacher told me I was average. How mean!
  4. What did the math teacher say to their students when they were acting up? “You guys are really testing my patience.”
  5. How do math teachers deliver their lessons? In pie charts, of course!
  6. What does a math teacher call their philosophy on life? Angle management.
  7. Why don’t math teachers argue? Because they always have a good point.
  8. What’s a math teacher’s favorite meal? Square roots and pie.
  9. Why was the math teacher so popular? They had a lot of followers—like a function graph.
  10. Why do math teachers like working outdoors? They get to deal with natural logs.
  11. Why did the teacher tell their student to stop doing math problems at lunch? Because they shouldn’t count calories.
  12. What does a math teacher eat for breakfast? A logarithm waffle.
  13. How do math teachers stay organized? They put everything in X-cess columns.
  14. Why did the teacher sit next to the X? They wanted to solve for it.
  15. Why did the math teacher bring a ladder to school? To reach the highest common factor!

math puns

Statistics Puns

Statistics might seem dull to some, but these puns give them a whole new level of excitement. Let’s make data-driven jokes a thing!

  1. Why did the statistician drown in the river? Because it was three feet deep on average.
  2. What did the scatter plot say to the regression line? “I’m trying to fit in!”
  3. Why don’t statisticians play hide and seek? They have too much confidence in their intervals.
  4. I failed statistics, but I’m 95% confident that it’s the teacher’s fault.
  5. How do statisticians dance? On average, they’re very graceful.
  6. Statistics is like a bikini: what it reveals is interesting, but what it hides is crucial.
  7. What’s a statistician’s favorite dessert? Pi charts.
  8. Why was the statistician bad at sports? Their mean wasn’t enough to make them competitive.
  9. What’s the most unreliable part of a statistician’s speech? The margin of error.
  10. The only time I understand statistics is when I’m standing under a bell curve.
  11. Did you hear about the mathematician who was afraid of commitment? They didn’t want to be part of a significant relationship.
  12. Why don’t statisticians make good friends? They’re always comparing means.
  13. I tried to get into a statistics class, but I didn’t have a high enough probability.
  14. Statistics show that people who love math jokes are above average.
  15. What’s the difference between statistics and reality? In statistics, everything averages out!

Additional Puns

How did the mathematician feel after solving the equation? It was an absolute value moment!

What did the zero say to the eight? “Nice belt!”

Why did the mathematician hate negative numbers? Because they stop at nothing.

Why did the two fours skip lunch? Because they already eight!

How do you stay warm in a cold room? Just stand in the corner—it’s 90 degrees.

Why don’t mathematicians argue? Because they always agree on a point.

Did you hear about the geometry teacher who was a magician? She could make shapes disappear without a trace.

Why was the fraction worried about the party? It knew it would be divided.

Why do mathematicians make good bakers? They understand the importance of pi.

How did the mathematician get rich? He added up his savings and multiplied his investments.

Why are numbers so afraid of algebra? Because it has too many unknowns.

What’s a math teacher’s favorite place to relax? A rounding retreat.

Why did the square go to therapy? It had too many right angles and couldn’t relax.

How do you organize a math party? You “divide” and “conquer.”

Why don’t numbers lie? They’re too integral to be dishonest.

What’s a mathematician’s favorite sport? Division—because it’s all about breaking things down.

How did the number one feel after the race? He was nonplussed.

Why did the equal sign break up with the inequality? It couldn’t handle the imbalance.

Why did the student bring a ladder to math class? To get to a higher degree.

What’s a math student’s favorite rock band? AC/Decimal.

What does a math teacher use to catch fish? A graph-net.

Why did the mathematician wear glasses? To improve his division.

What do you call friends who love math? Algebros.

Why do plants hate math? Because it gives them square roots.

What did the complementary angle say to the obtuse angle? You’re looking a little obtuse today.

Why did the mathematician stay away from the haunted house? Too many imaginary numbers.

What did the math teacher say to the aspiring artist? You’ve got potential—just stay within the lines.

Why did the math student get detention? For being out of line.

What’s a mathematician’s favorite ice cream flavor? Square-root beer float.

Why do mathematicians love coffee? Because they can always count on it to perk them up.

What’s a mathematician’s favorite dance move? The pi-roette.

Why was the equal sign so polite? It didn’t like to make waves.

What did the hexagon say to the circle? “Quit going in circles!”

Why did the number one take a nap? It needed some rest before becoming prime.

What does a mathematician eat for lunch? A number sandwich with a side of pi.

Why did the triangle go to the gym? It wanted to get in shape.

What’s a math student’s favorite dance? The angle shuffle.

Why was the prime number so upset? It couldn’t divide the attention.

How do you tell a good math joke? With acute sense of humor.

Why do mathematicians hate long division? It’s just too divisive.

What did the number 0 say to 10? “I look up to you.”

Why was the circle always so happy? It never felt cornered.

Why did the parallel lines break up? They were going in different directions.

Why did the mathematician refuse to go skiing? He couldn’t handle the slopes.

What did the square say to the circle at the party? “You’re just too well-rounded for me.”

What does a math teacher write in a love letter? “You’ve got me doing mental math.”

What’s a mathematician’s favorite movie? “The Matrix,” for all the calculations.

Why did the number 10 feel insecure? It knew 9 was right behind it.

Why do math students always seem so relaxed? They know they can always count on their studies.

Why don’t prime numbers get invited to parties? Because they can’t really divide and mingle.

Math Puns FAQs

What’s the most common math pun?
“Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine!”

Why do math puns work so well?
Math puns are clever and play on the meanings of numbers and mathematical terms, making them fun for those who enjoy thinking outside the box.

Are math puns only for math lovers?
Not at all! While math lovers might appreciate them more, anyone who enjoys wordplay can find joy in math puns.

Can math puns help students learn?
Yes, humor can make learning more engaging and memorable, helping students better understand math concepts.

What’s a great pun for Pi Day?
“What do you get when you divide a pumpkin’s circumference by its diameter? Pumpkin pi!”

How can math puns be used in the classroom?
They’re a great way to break the ice, lighten the mood, and make math lessons more fun and approachable.


Math puns might not solve your equations, but they sure do add some fun to the process. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or just someone who loves clever jokes, these 145 puns are sure to keep you laughing. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by numbers, remember—math doesn’t have to be so serious!