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145 Wood Puns That Will Knock on Wood!

Wood you believe it? Puns about wood are everywhere, and we’ve gathered over 145 of the best ones just for you!

Whether you’re a carpenter, woodworker, or just a pun enthusiast, this guide will have you laughing until you’re saw-dust! Let’s dive into the funniest wood-related jokes, categorized for your enjoyment.

General Wood Puns

  • I wood tell you a joke, but it’s knot that funny.
  • Don’t worry, be wooden!
  • I saw that pun coming from a mile away.
  • I’ve got a log of problems, but a pun ain’t one.
  • Stop pining over that joke; it’s just the grain of it.
  • If I had a hammer, I’d nail that pun.
  • Wood you stop telling me these jokes already?
  • When it comes to wood, I’m all bark and no bite.
  • You wooden believe the time I spent thinking of this pun.
  • I’m board of all these wood jokes.
  • You better be-leaf in the power of wood.
  • Wood jokes are plane hilarious.
  • That joke was pretty plywood, not the sharpest tool in the shed.
  • Don’t axe me for any more puns, I’m stumped.
  • This tree-mendous joke is sure to leave you feeling chipper!

wood puns

Tree Puns

  • Leaf me alone, I’m branching out into new jokes.
  • I’m stumped when it comes to thinking of tree puns.
  • You could say my bark is worse than my bite.
  • I pine for the days when tree jokes were simpler.
  • Let’s stick to the root of the issue here.
  • That’s not a bad joke, it’s tree-mendous!
  • I’m falling for these tree puns.
  • You’ve got to give me a little sapport with these jokes!
  • I’m knot kidding, these jokes are great.
  • You’re such a sap if you don’t like these tree jokes.
  • It’s oaky to laugh at a good tree pun.
  • Don’t leaf me hanging with these jokes.
  • We cedar humor in these puns.
  • I woodn’t bark up the wrong tree with these jokes.
  • Just spruce up your puns a little and they’ll be fir-tastic!

Lumberjack Puns

  • I lumbered through all these jokes just for you.
  • I have a lot of axe-perience with these puns.
  • I wood cut you a break, but I think you can handle it.
  • These puns are saw-some, aren’t they?
  • I’ve been chopping at the bit to share these jokes.
  • The lumberjack didn’t get the joke — he was stumped.
  • I saw what you did there, it was pretty plane.
  • My jokes always log in on time.
  • I’m not afraid to branch out into new humor.
  • Axe me another question if you want more puns.
  • I cedar world differently through the lens of a lumberjack.
  • He’s a cut above the rest.
  • I tried to make a lumberjack pun, but it got chopped down.
  • Don’t axe me to stop, I’m on a roll!
  • I guess you could say I’ve got wood on my mind.

wood puns

Furniture Puns

  • I wood love to chair these jokes with you.
  • Have you heard about the latest chair conspiracy? It’s riveting!
  • I’m sofa king tired of these puns, but they keep coming!
  • Desk puns are just my type of humor.
  • Table this conversation until we can polish it off properly.
  • Couch your enthusiasm; these puns aren’t over yet.
  • I’m having a rocking good time with these jokes.
  • These jokes are knot going anywhere.
  • I chair-ish our time together, especially with these puns.
  • I’m on a roll with these chair jokes!
  • This table is a fine piece of woodcraft.
  • I woodn’t stand for any bad puns here.
  • You’ve got to polish your puns to make them work!
  • Couch you believe it? Another great pun!
  • I’m shelving the best puns for last.

Carpentry Puns

  • It’s plane to see these jokes are on another level.
  • I’m nailed it with this set of puns.
  • Just screw it — these puns are golden!
  • I’m glued to my seat with excitement over these jokes.
  • No one else measures up to these wood puns.
  • My carpenter friend always woodworks his way into conversations.
  • Let’s hammer out the details of these puns.
  • These jokes are well constructed, don’t you think?
  • My love for carpentry is nailed down pretty tight.
  • Saw it coming — these jokes are sharp!
  • Wood glue fixes everything, except broken jokes.
  • I have a hammering headache from all these puns.
  • These puns are level-headed, wouldn’t you agree?
  • I plane to keep making puns.
  • My carpenter’s jokes always dovetail together perfectly.

Woodworking Tool Puns

  • My saw blade was dull, but my jokes are sharp!
  • That’s the drill — get ready for more puns!
  • I’m hammering out new puns every day.
  • This joke isn’t quite square, but it’s close.
  • My chisel-ed sense of humor is unmatched.
  • I was going to sand another pun your way, but I’ll give it a rest.
  • I measure my humor by its precision.
  • Let’s hammer out a few more puns before we’re done.
  • This tool box of puns is fully stocked.
  • My jokes have been getting nailed down pretty well.
  • You plane-ly saw this joke coming, didn’t you?
  • I just can’t cut it with these puns.
  • I try to gauge how well these jokes land.
  • This pun fits like a glove in my toolbelt.
  • The hammer joke really nailed it.

Wood-Themed Holiday Puns

  • Christmas trees always get the star treatment.
  • I woodn’t want to be without a tree this Christmas.
  • Yule love these wood puns during the holidays!
  • Deck the halls with lots of logs, fa la la la la.
  • Let’s just spruce up the Christmas season!
  • May your holiday be merry and pine-filled.
  • This holiday season, don’t be a tree-mendous grinch.
  • Tree-mendous joy to the world!
  • Pine cones and puns are my holiday jam.
  • Don’t get board during the holiday season!
  • I wood give you a gift, but you’ll have to saw for yourself.
  • The tree is the real star of Christmas!
  • Wreath the benefits of this holiday season!
  • I saw Santa and he woodn’t stop laughing.
  • Have an evergreen holiday!

wood puns

Extra Wood Puns!

  • You’ve got a splinter of humor in your eye.
  • Knot today, but maybe tomorrow!
  • I find these jokes absolutely riveting.
  • This joke is saw-some, don’t you think?
  • I’ve been logging these puns for years!
  • I woodn’t say no to another pun.
  • You’re barking up the wrong tree with that one.
  • Wood it kill you to laugh a little?
  • I’m board with the same old jokes!
  • It’s all in good fun — don’t get crosscut about it.
  • I’m knot exaggerating; these puns are great!
  • That’s the grain of the joke!
  • He woodn’t stop until the joke landed.
  • You’ve got wood in your heart, and it shows.
  • Timber! Another joke just dropped!
  • Don’t split hairs — these puns are solid.
  • Let’s stick to the plan and share more jokes.
  • You woodn’t believe how long I’ve worked on these!
  • Tree puns have deep roots in humor.
  • I’ll leaf it to you to come up with more.
  • Stop with the puns already, you’re driving me balsa!
  • The jokes keep rolling like logs downhill.
  • I’m knot joking around!
  • The grain of this joke is well-planned.
  • Puns about wood have mahogany-d me crazy.
  • You plywood me over with laughter!
  • I’m just pine-ing for more jokes.
  • These puns are starting to sap my energy.
  • I wooden know what to do without these jokes.
  • Be-leaf me, these jokes are gold.
  • I’m quite attached to these puns — they’re glued together well.
  • I’m rooted in my love for these puns.
  • Stop branching out into other jokes, wood you?
  • I’m board of this conversation, let’s change it up.
  • Time to split — I’ve got more jokes to share.
  • These puns are knot going anywhere!
  • I tried to branch out, but I just keep coming back to wood jokes.
  • My humor is all bark and no bite!
  • I tried a new joke, but it woodn’t work.
  • Stay glued to your seat — more puns are coming!
  • This is knot over yet!
  • Let’s trim down the puns, shall we?
  • My bark may be worse than my bite, but these puns are sharp.
  • I feel like I’ve nailed these jokes.
  • The roots of wood humor run deep!
  • I’m falling for these puns all over again.
  • Knot bad, eh?


Whether you’re a lumberjack, carpenter, or just a pun enthusiast, this guide of over 145 wood-related puns is sure to crack you up.

From trees and lumber to furniture and woodworking tools, we’ve covered it all. The next time you’re in the mood for a good laugh, come back to this list and share some wood-inspired humor with your friends!