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145 Dinosaur Puns That Will Make You Roar with Laughter

Dinosaurs may be extinct, but their ability to make us laugh is still very much alive!

Whether you’re a Jurassic joke enthusiast or just looking for a laugh, dinosaur puns are a surefire way to bring some humor to your day.

From clever wordplay to groan-worthy jokes, we’ve gathered the top 145 dinosaur puns to tickle your funny bone.

Funny Dinosaur Puns for Everyday Use

Let’s start with some simple, yet hilarious dinosaur puns you can use in your everyday conversations. These ones are perfect for light-hearted fun and won’t leave anyone sore-asaurus!

  1. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus!
  2. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent!
  3. What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? A dino-snore!
  4. How do dinosaurs pay their bills? With Tyrannosaurus checks!
  5. What makes more noise than a dinosaur? Two dinosaurs!
  6. Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because chickens hadn’t evolved yet!
  7. What do you call a dinosaur that asks too many questions? A dinosaur-sum!
  8. How does a dinosaur pass a math test? With pterrific answers!
  9. Why don’t you ever fight a dinosaur? They always Rex everything!
  10. What do you call a short-sighted dinosaur? A Do-you-think-he-saurus!
  11. How do dinosaurs make the bed? With lots of saur-ing and lifting!
  12. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite breakfast? Eggs-tinct and toast!
  13. Why did the T-rex break up with his girlfriend? He found someone more dino-mite!
  14. How does a dinosaur send a message? By pterodactyl-mail!
  15. Why did the dinosaur bring a band-aid? Because he had a Dino-sore!

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Dinosaur Puns for Kids

Looking for dinosaur puns that are safe for kids? Look no further! These jokes are family-friendly and sure to make even the littlest paleontologists giggle.

  1. What do you call a dinosaur that loves to sleep? A stego-snore-us!
  2. Why don’t dinosaurs ever play hide and seek? Because they’re too big to hide!
  3. How did the dinosaur pass his driving test? He used his “roar” sense!
  4. Why did the dinosaur sit on the fence? Because he didn’t want to jump to conclusions!
  5. What does a Triceratops sit on? Its Tricera-bottom!
  6. How do you invite a dinosaur to a party? You “dino” how to ask!
  7. What kind of dinosaur loves to listen to music? A Rock-o-saurus!
  8. Why did the dinosaur take a nap after lunch? He was dino-snoozy!
  9. What do dinosaurs use to cut their pizza? A dino-saw!
  10. What do you get when a dinosaur scores a goal? A dino-score-us!
  11. Why do dinosaurs never get lost? Because they follow the dino-trail!
  12. What do you call a dinosaur who wins at hide and seek? A sneak-o-saurus!
  13. Why did the dinosaur go to school? To become a dino-scholar!
  14. How do dinosaurs stay fit? They dino-exercise!
  15. What did the dinosaur eat after school? Dino-nuggets, of course!

Dinosaur Puns for Teachers and Classrooms

Perfect for science teachers or any classroom setting, these puns will get students roaring with laughter while they learn about prehistoric creatures.

  1. Why did the dinosaur fail his history exam? He couldn’t remember anything past 65 million years!
  2. What’s a dinosaur’s least favorite subject in school? Extinct-ion!
  3. How do dinosaurs read books? With tyranno-source!
  4. Why was the dinosaur always getting detention? He was a little too “saur-castic”!
  5. What did the dinosaur write in his homework? Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures.
  6. How do you measure a dinosaur’s intelligence? With their fossil record!
  7. Why was the dinosaur such a good student? He was dino-lightened!
  8. Why did the dinosaur bring a dictionary to class? He wanted to improve his vocabular-saurus.
  9. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite type of math? Dino-metrics!
  10. How do you calm a nervous dinosaur in class? Tell him to “stay saur-calm.”
  11. Why don’t dinosaurs like school? Too many “pop-quizzes”!
  12. What did the dinosaur say when asked to solve a puzzle? “This is dino-ficult!”
  13. How did the dinosaur become class president? He was a natural-born “lead-saur.”
  14. Why did the dinosaur always answer the teacher’s questions? He wanted to be the “saur-ce” of knowledge.
  15. How do dinosaurs learn their ABCs? With prehistoric precision!

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Romantic Dinosaur Puns

Love and dinosaurs? What could be better? Share these adorable puns with someone special to show how dino-mite you think they are.

  1. Are you a dinosaur? Because I’ve been digging you!
  2. You must be a T-rex because you’re dino-myte!
  3. Let’s not make this compli-saur-ated, you’re the one I adore!
  4. You make my heart saur!
  5. Are you a fossil? Because I’ve been looking for you for ages.
  6. You’re dino-mite, and that’s why I “tri” so hard for you!
  7. You make me feel like I’ve found the love-saur of my life.
  8. Let’s make our love as strong as a Triceratops!
  9. Are we extinct? Because this feels like a rare find!
  10. You make my heart go roar!
  11. You’re T-rex-ceptional!
  12. Our love story will never become extinct.
  13. I can’t stay mad at you-saurus!
  14. You’re the pterodactyl to my heart, soaring high and free!
  15. I’d never “tri” with anyone but you!

Jurassic Park Inspired Dinosaur Puns

For fans of the iconic Jurassic Park series, these puns are bound to hit home. Whether you’re a movie buff or just love the classics, these puns will take you back to Isla Nublar.

  1. Why don’t dinosaurs get parking tickets? Because Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures!
  2. What’s a velociraptor’s favorite movie? Jurassic Bark!
  3. How does a T-rex make a bed? With dino-mite sheets!
  4. Why did the Triceratops refuse to play cards? He was afraid of getting “Jur-ass-igned” a bad hand!
  5. What do you call a well-dressed dinosaur? Jurassic class!
  6. What did the dinosaur say to the scientist? “Do I come with a DNA warranty?”
  7. How do you make a dinosaur laugh? Tell it a joke that never goes “extinct”!
  8. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite part of Jurassic Park? When they dino-soar!
  9. Why did the dinosaurs love Jurassic Park? It was dino-lightful!
  10. Why don’t dinosaurs make good actors? They can’t take “directions”!
  11. How does a dinosaur greet another? “Welcome to the Jurassic side!”
  12. What did the dinosaur order at the movie theater? Jurassic-sized popcorn!
  13. How do dinosaurs know when to leave the party? When the dino-saur’s over!
  14. Why did the Velociraptor bring a map to the park? To find all the dino-hotspots!
  15. What’s the best part about watching dinosaurs? No commercial “extinction!”

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Dinosaur Puns for Paleontologists

These puns are perfect for the paleontology crowd. If you dig dinosaurs for a living, you’ll appreciate the humor hidden in these prehistoric puns.

  1. Why did the paleontologist go broke? Because they dino-spent all their money!
  2. What’s a paleontologist’s favorite type of music? Heavy fossil metal!
  3. How do paleontologists like their coffee? Pre-historically strong!
  4. What do paleontologists do at a party? They dig in!
  5. Why do paleontologists make good friends? Because they dig each other!
  6. How do you organize a paleontology party? You rock around the fossil!
  7. What did the paleontologist say when he found a dinosaur? “This discovery rocks!”
  8. How do paleontologists stay in shape? They dig their way to fitness!
  9. Why do paleontologists always look sad? They’re used to extinction.
  10. What’s a paleontologist’s dream vacation? A dig-saur in the Sahara!
  11. How does a paleontologist keep track of time? With a fossil watch!
  12. What did the paleontologist say to the stubborn fossil? “You need to loosen up, you’re too petrified!”
  13. Why do paleontologists never fight? Because they don’t want to get into a dino-scussion.
  14. What do paleontologists love to read? Fossil-fueled novels!
  15. Why do paleontologists love puzzles? Because they piece things together!

More Roar-Worthy Dinosaur Puns

  1. What do you call a dinosaur that loves spicy food? A Jalapeñosaurus!
  2. How do dinosaurs communicate? They “roar” on the phone!
  3. Why are dinosaurs bad at secrets? Because they have big mouths!
  4. What do you call a dinosaur that plays the piano? A Brachiosong!
  5. Why did the dinosaur go to art school? He wanted to become a dino-strator!
  6. What do you call a lazy dinosaur? A Slothosaurus!
  7. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite game? Hide and dino-seek!
  8. Why don’t dinosaurs ever go to the gym? Because they already have massive gains!
  9. How do you get a dinosaur out of a car? With a “dino-crane”!
  10. What do you call a dinosaur magician? A dino-sorcerer!
  11. Why did the T-rex break up with his girlfriend? She was too “pre-hysterical!”
  12. How do dinosaurs stay cool in the summer? They stand under a dino-brella!
  13. What did the dinosaur order for dessert? A dino-sundae!
  14. Why did the dinosaur go to therapy? He had a lot of baggage-saurus.
  15. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite TV show? Jurassic Development.
  16. How do you know if a dinosaur is telling the truth? It’s a real “fossil fact”!
  17. What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? A dino-splosion!
  18. Why don’t dinosaurs make good pets? They’re too hard to house train-saur!
  19. What do you call a dinosaur who’s a great dancer? A Rapt-our!
  20. What did the dinosaur say when he crashed the party? “I’m here to wreck-saurus!”
  21. How do dinosaurs manage their money? They hire a dino-accountant!
  22. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite instrument? The dino-harp!
  23. What did the dinosaur say to the tree? “Leaf me alone!”
  24. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite exercise? Dinosquats!
  25. Why don’t dinosaurs play soccer? They can’t keep their “foot-saur” off the ball!
  26. What do you call a dinosaur who loves to sing? A Tri-serenade!
  27. How do dinosaurs sign their emails? “With dino-regards!”
  28. Why did the T-rex become a stand-up comedian? He had a killer sense of humor!
  29. What kind of lights do dinosaurs have? Dino-saurcels!
  30. What do dinosaurs do when it gets dark? They turn on their bronto-lights!
  31. How did the dinosaur become an astronaut? He wanted to explore the dino-verse!
  32. What do you call a dinosaur that can’t decide? A Diplodo-crazy!
  33. Why did the dinosaur eat raw meat? Because he was a carn-ivore!
  34. How do dinosaurs fix their cars? With dino-spare parts!
  35. What did the dinosaur say to his trainer? “I’m prepped and dino-ready!”
  36. Why do dinosaurs love cooking? They make the best saur-cery!
  37. How do you calm down an angry dinosaur? Tell him to take a dino-chill pill!
  38. Why are dinosaurs so good at improv comedy? They’re great at thinking on their feet-saur!
  39. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite snack? Dino-chips and dip-saurus!
  40. What do you call a sneaky dinosaur? A sly-ceratops!
  41. Why did the dinosaur stay in bed all day? He felt dino-sick.
  42. How do dinosaurs deal with stress? They dino-stretch and meditate!
  43. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite app? Dino-stagram!
  44. Why did the dinosaur refuse to play board games? He hated losing his T-rex temper.
  45. What do you call a dinosaur that’s really fast? A sprint-o-saurus!
  46. Why do dinosaurs never tell the truth? They’re always dino-fibbing!
  47. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite holiday? Dino-ween!
  48. What do you call a dinosaur with a smartphone? A text-o-saurus!
  49. Why did the dinosaur refuse to play music? He couldn’t find his roar-mony!
  50. How do you apologize to a dinosaur? “I’m sorry-saurus!”


Whether you’re a kid, a teacher, or a full-blown dino enthusiast, there’s a dinosaur pun out there for you. These playful jokes about our prehistoric friends prove that while dinosaurs may be extinct, their humor will live on forever.

From romantic puns to Jurassic Park gags, there’s no shortage of dino-inspired laughs. So next time you need a good chuckle, remember these top 145 dinosaur puns and let the laughter begin!


What are some good dinosaur puns?
Some good dinosaur puns include “What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? A dino-snore!” and “Why don’t you fight a dinosaur? They always Rex everything!”

Can I use dinosaur puns in the classroom?
Yes! Dinosaur puns are great for kids and classrooms. They can make learning about prehistoric creatures more fun and engaging.

What’s a romantic dinosaur pun?
A romantic dinosaur pun might be: “Are you a dinosaur? Because I’ve been digging you!”

Why are dinosaur puns so popular?
Dinosaur puns are popular because they’re playful, clever, and bring humor to a topic that fascinates people of all ages.

How do you make a dinosaur joke?
To make a dinosaur joke, use a play on words involving dinosaur names or characteristics, such as: “Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom? Because the ‘P’ is silent!”

What is a clever dinosaur pun for a party?
A clever party pun could be: “How do dinosaurs know when to leave the party? When the dino-saur’s over!”