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145 Thursday Puns That’ll Brighten Your Week

Who says Thursdays have to be boring? Whether you’re stuck at work or getting ready for the weekend, a good pun can make everything better.

From work humor to football, we’ve compiled the top 145 Thursday puns that’ll have you chuckling through the day and onto the weekend.

Thursday Work Puns

Sometimes, getting through a Thursday at work feels like running a marathon. That’s why these work-related Thursday puns are the perfect pick-me-up during your coffee break or Zoom meeting. Add some laughter to your workday!

  • Thursday at work feels like that awkward middle child—halfway to the weekend but still stuck doing chores.
  • Why did the office worker love Thursdays? It’s when his “weekend mode” starts activating!
  • “Just one more day until my work inbox feels manageable,” said no one on a Thursday.
  • On Thursdays, my productivity is 50% work and 50% weekend daydreaming.
  • If work on a Thursday had a face, it’d be the emoji with the tired eyes.
Thursday puns

Thursday Morning Puns

Start your Thursday on the right foot with these clever and pun-filled phrases perfect for mornings. Whether you’re brewing your first cup of coffee or heading out for a morning jog, these puns will give you the boost you need.

  • The early bird catches the Thursday vibe.
  • Coffee on a Thursday tastes like a sneak peek of the weekend.
  • Thursday mornings: when coffee and I are best friends.
  • I’m so ready for this Thursday that even my alarm clock didn’t stand a chance!
  • On Thursday mornings, I feel like I’ve unlocked the weekend preview.

Thursday Night Puns

As Thursday comes to a close, it’s time to wind down, relax, and laugh! These Thursday night puns are perfect for a chill evening, whether you’re hanging with friends or enjoying some alone time.

  • Thursday night: Where “almost Friday” feels so close, you can taste it.
  • Thursdays are for winding down… until Friday winds me back up!
  • Thursday night feels like the first stretch after a long run.
  • “I’m staying in tonight,” said every tired Thursday night soul ever.
  • Thursday night: Preparing for the Friday finish line.

Thirsty Thursday Puns

For those who enjoy a good Thursday night out, these “Thirsty Thursday” puns will add a playful twist to your evening festivities. Raise your glass to some good humor!

  • It’s “Thirsty Thursday”—drink responsibly, pun irresponsibly!
  • On Thirsty Thursdays, every sip comes with a side of pun!
  • Who needs happy hour when you have Thirsty Thursday?
  • Thursdays: the perfect excuse to pour out some pun-filled drinks.
  • Thirsty Thursday is like a dress rehearsal for the weekend.

Funny Thursday Jokes

Sometimes a good Thursday joke is all you need to brighten up your day. Here are a few lighthearted jokes that will keep you laughing throughout the week.

  • What’s a Thursday’s least favorite day? Any day that’s not Friday.
  • What did one Thursday say to the other? “We’re so close to greatness!”
  • Why was Thursday jealous of Friday? Because Friday always got all the weekend love.
  • What do Thursdays and overripe bananas have in common? They’re both almost too much, but still good.
  • Why did Thursday break up with Monday? It needed more space to be its fabulous self.

Thursday Weather Puns

Whether it’s sunny, rainy, or snowy, Thursday’s weather has its own charm. Here are some weather-related puns to match the forecast for any Thursday.

  • Thursday’s weather forecast? A 100% chance of Friday vibes.
  • Rain or shine, Thursdays always make me think of Friday.
  • Cloudy with a chance of weekend excitement—must be Thursday.
  • On a chilly Thursday, all I need is a warm blanket and some puns.
  • Thursday breezes carry whispers of the weekend.

Thursday puns

Thursday Vibes Puns

We all know the “Thursday vibe”—it’s that hopeful, slightly tired feeling of getting closer to the weekend. These puns perfectly capture that unique Thursday energy.

  • Thursday vibes: halfway between a nap and a party.
  • Feeling those Thursday vibes—calm yet exciting, like pre-weekend anticipation.
  • The vibe on Thursday? It’s like the appetizer before a Friday feast.
  • Thursdays are for prepping my weekend dance moves… even if it’s just for the couch.
  • Channeling my inner weekend warrior with some Thursday vibes.

Thursday Motivation Puns

Need a motivational boost to get through the week? These Thursday motivation puns will inspire you to push through and enjoy the journey toward Friday!

  • Thursday is the “almost there” sign on the road to the weekend.
  • Need some Thursday motivation? Just remember, Friday is only one sleep away!
  • Thursday: Where we practice our weekend determination skills.
  • Keep calm—it’s Thursday, and the weekend is your prize.
  • If Thursday had a motto, it would be: “Hang in there!”

Thursday Animal Puns

Love animals and puns? Here are some Thursday-themed animal puns that will have you roaring with laughter and brighten your day.

  • What does a lion say on a Thursday? “I’m roarin’ for the weekend!”
  • Why did the dog love Thursdays? Because the weekend was only one fetch away!
  • On Thursdays, I’m as lazy as a cat napping until Friday.
  • A Thursday in the wild? Just watch me “pounce” into the weekend.
  • Feeling like a weekend warrior but still moving at Thursday’s sloth pace.

Thursday Food Puns

What’s better than food? Food with puns! These Thursday food puns will have you chuckling over your meals and snacks as you prepare for the weekend ahead.

  • Thursday’s special: a slice of weekend pie, served warm.
  • Can’t wait for my Thursday evening “pasta”-time—twirling into the weekend!
  • Thursday is like a slow-cooked stew—it gets better the longer you wait.
  • On Thursdays, I feel like the weekend is a perfectly baked cake… just waiting for the icing.
  • My Thursday hunger is in full gear—ready for a buffet of Friday plans.

Thursday School Puns

Thursday at school can feel like an eternity, but these puns will bring a smile to your face and make the school day fly by faster.

  • Thursday at school is like the lunch period before the weekend recess.
  • On Thursdays, my homework looks suspiciously like a weekend activity.
  • What’s the answer to Thursday math? One more day until the weekend!
  • Thursday school days are like pop quizzes—unexpected but doable.
  • “Is it Friday yet?”—every student on a Thursday.

Thursday puns

Thursday Love Puns

Got a Thursday date or just feeling the love? These romantic Thursday puns will add a dash of humor to your day.

  • My love for you is like a Thursday—it gets better the closer we get to the weekend!
  • If we were a Thursday, we’d be just a day away from forever.
  • Thursday is my favorite day—because it’s one step closer to seeing you!
  • Love on a Thursday feels like holding hands with Friday.
  • Our relationship is like Thursday night—building excitement for what’s next.

Football Puns for Thursday

Whether it’s Thursday night football or just your love for the game, these football-themed Thursday puns will have you scoring laughs all day long.

  • Thursday night football? More like Thursday night funball!
  • My favorite Thursday formation? A touchdown of puns!
  • Every Thursday feels like a halftime show—just waiting for the weekend’s kickoff.
  • If Thursday were a quarterback, it’d throw straight into Friday’s end zone.
  • Thursday’s my game day—it’s the perfect prelude to the weekend playoffs.

Bonus Section

Football and puns go together like touchdowns and celebrations! Here are 50 bonus football puns to add extra fun to your Thursday (or any day of the week):

  1. I’m trying to stay positive, but Thursdays are testing my patience.
  2. Thursday is my favorite day—I’m just one sleep away from Friday!
  3. What did Thursday say to Monday? “Catch up, you’re way behind!”
  4. My favorite workout? Thursdays—I’m just “planking” till Friday.
  5. Thursdays are like leftovers from Wednesday, but tastier.
  6. Thursday’s motto: “Keep calm, the weekend is near.”
  7. Why did the calendar like Thursday? It was a day closer to its date with Friday.
  8. Thursday is just pre-Friday in disguise.
  9. If Thursday were a food, it’d be a “light snack” before the weekend feast.
  10. Thursdays are for doing half the work but twice the daydreaming.
  11. What’s a Thursday’s favorite candy? Payday!
  12. On Thursday, I’m halfway out the door and halfway in bed.
  13. Thursdays are like a “preview” of Friday’s awesomeness.
  14. Why did Thursday bring an umbrella? To weather the storm till Friday!
  15. My energy on Thursday? It’s like Wi-Fi—strong in the morning, weak by afternoon.
  16. Thursday? More like “Thur-YAY”!
  17. What do you call a Thursday that tries too hard? A “try-hard Thursday.”
  18. On Thursday, I’m 80% weekend-ready, 20% pretending to work.
  19. If Thursday were a sound, it’d be a “yawn.”
  20. Thursday’s the day when you’re so close to the weekend, you can almost “taste” it.
  21. Why don’t Thursdays play hide and seek? They know Friday is right around the corner.
  22. Thursday: The day that whispers, “You’re almost there.”
  23. If Thursday had a face, it would be giving you a “thumbs up.”
  24. What did Thursday say to the weekend? “I’m your warm-up act!”
  25. Thursday’s the day I put my “serious face” on… for about 5 minutes.
  26. On Thursday, the only thing I’m productive at is planning my weekend.
  27. What’s the best way to describe Thursday? It’s like that awkward high-five that doesn’t quite land.
  28. Thursday: When you’ve already mentally checked out for Friday.
  29. What’s a Thursday’s least favorite task? Pretending it’s still a workday.
  30. On Thursday, my to-do list is just a list of things to do… next week.
  31. If Thursdays were shoes, they’d be “comfy slippers”—not quite party-ready, but almost there.
  32. What does Thursday think about the weekend? “I’m the buildup you didn’t know you needed.”
  33. Thursday mornings: when the coffee tastes like Friday.
  34. Thursday’s weather forecast: mostly “weekend-anticipation” with a slight chance of productivity.
  35. On Thursdays, my enthusiasm is running on “weekend fumes.”
  36. Thursday: When you start smiling because you’re almost there.
  37. What do you call a Thursday that’s dragging its feet? A “thrown-back Thursday.”
  38. Thursdays are like the second-to-last chapter in your favorite book—so close to the good stuff.
  39. If Thursday were a dance, it’d be the “warm-up shuffle.”
  40. What’s Thursday’s favorite sport? Anything that leads into a Friday celebration.
  41. Thursdays are the MVP of almost-weekends.
  42. On Thursday, my brain is in “weekend preview” mode.
  43. Why did the cat love Thursdays? Because it had nine lives and still couldn’t wait for Friday.
  44. Thursday’s my favorite because it’s halfway between “weekend-ready” and “I should probably get some work done.”
  45. Why do Thursdays love coffee? It’s the only way they can survive being so close, yet so far from Friday.
  46. If Thursday were a song, it’d be called “Almost There.”
  47. Thursday: The day where every hour feels like a “slow clap” for the weekend.
  48. What’s Thursday’s favorite time of day? 5 p.m.—because it’s almost Friday!
  49. Thursdays are like the cool-down after a mid-week workout.
  50. On Thursday, my work ethic takes a vacation… while my weekend plans take the lead!


There you have it—145 hilarious Thursday puns to keep your week bright and entertaining, plus 50 bonus football puns for even more laughs. Whether it’s Thursday or any other day, these puns are sure to bring a smile to your face and make your week just a little bit better. Now, let’s keep punning until Friday!


What are some funny Thursday puns for work?

  • “Thursdays are like Fridays’ understudy—almost there, but not quite!” or “On Thursday, I’m 50% productivity, 50% weekend daydreaming.”

What makes Thursday puns special?

  • Thursday is the perfect balance between mid-week and weekend vibes, making it ripe for clever wordplay and puns.

Why do people call it ‘Thirsty Thursday’?

  • “Thirsty Thursday” is a popular phrase for having drinks on Thursday nights as a way to kick off the weekend early.

Are there good puns for Thursday night football?

  • Yes! Try, “Thursday night football is my pre-weekend kickoff” or “I’m already game-day ready by Thursday!”

What’s the best Thursday morning pun?

  • “Thursday mornings: when you can practically smell Friday but still need coffee to survive.”

Can puns really brighten up a Thursday?

  • Absolutely! A good pun is like a mental break—it’s light, funny, and puts you in a positive mindset for the rest of the day.