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145 Corn Puns That Are So Amaize-ing, You’ll Pop With Laughter!

When it comes to puns, there’s nothing quite like the deliciously corny kind! Corn puns are versatile, wholesome, and can easily get a chuckle out of just about anyone.

Whether you’re at the dinner table, in a cornfield, or just chatting with friends, these puns are bound to “kern-el” up some laughter.

Classic Corn Puns

There’s nothing like a classic! These timeless corn puns never fail to make people laugh (or groan). Whether you’re a pun enthusiast or a casual chuckler, these gems are bound to leave you smiling.

  1. Why don’t corn stalks ever tell secrets? Because they’re all ears!
  2. What do corn farmers say when they succeed? Shucks, it was nothing!
  3. How do you describe a cornfield full of comedians? It’s a-maize-ing!
  4. Why did the corn stalk break up with the sunflower? It found a-maize-ing love elsewhere!
  5. What’s corn’s favorite music? Pop!
  6. What did the corn cob say to the butter? You’re on a roll!
  7. Why don’t corn stalks fight? They don’t want to get creamed.
  8. What do you call a single kernel? A uni-corn!
  9. How does corn get around? On a cob-mobile!
  10. Why was the corn stalk bad at sports? It was all ears and no action.
  11. What do corn stalks do for fun? They have a-maize-ing races!
  12. How does corn chat online? It uses kernels of wisdom!
  13. Why did the corn go to therapy? It needed to get to the root of its issues.
  14. What’s a corn’s favorite holiday? Stalk-toberfest!
  15. Why was the corn so good at math? It knew how to multiply in rows!

corn puns

Food-Themed Corn Puns

If you’re a foodie, this section is for you. These corn puns are as tasty as they are hilarious, perfect for adding a dash of humor to your next meal!

  1. What’s corn’s favorite type of bread? Cornbread, naturally!
  2. Why did the corn get fat? It had too many kernel calories!
  3. What’s a corn cob’s favorite snack? Popcorn, of course!
  4. What did the butter say to the corn at dinner? “You’re corny, but I like you!”
  5. Why is corn always so polite? Because it’s sweet!
  6. How do you keep corn fresh? You put it in a stalk-er!
  7. What do you call corn dipped in chocolate? Candy corn!
  8. Why don’t corn stalks work in fast food? They’re too slow to kernel out orders.
  9. What’s a corn’s favorite dessert? Kernel cake!
  10. What do you call a corn that’s full of itself? Corn-flated!
  11. What did the corn say at Thanksgiving? “I’m feeling a bit stuffed!”
  12. How does corn keep in shape? It runs through the fields.
  13. What do corn stalks say at BBQs? “Let’s get this grill a-popping!”
  14. What’s corn’s favorite ice cream flavor? Buttered popcorn.
  15. Why was the corn feeling extra sweet today? It had just popped out of the oven.

Cornfield-Themed Puns

These puns are straight out of the cornfield! Whether you’re a farmer or just someone who loves the countryside, these witty lines will make you appreciate the simplicity of cornfield life.

  1. What do you call a cornfield that tells jokes? A-maize-ing!
  2. Why do cornfields never get lost? They always know which way to stalk.
  3. What do farmers use to navigate cornfields? A-maize-ing maps!
  4. Why did the scarecrow become famous? It was out-standing in its field!
  5. What do corn stalks do on a road trip? They stalk up on snacks!
  6. Why did the farmer plant corn in straight rows? So it wouldn’t get too row-dy!
  7. How do cornfields send letters? Through stalk-mail!
  8. What do you get when you cross a cornfield with a high jumper? Corn leaps!
  9. Why do corn stalks make good friends? They’re always a-maize-ing listeners.
  10. What did the farmer say to his cornfield? “Don’t give me any kernel of doubt!”
  11. How do cornfields stay connected? With field phones!
  12. Why was the cornfield so confident? It had stalks of self-esteem!
  13. What happens when corn plays hide and seek? It gets a little husky!
  14. Why don’t cornfields ever tell secrets? They don’t want to be stalked.
  15. What’s a cornfield’s favorite way to relax? With a little kernel meditation.

corn puns

Popcorn Puns

Popcorn has a special place in everyone’s heart, and it’s also great for puns! Whether you’re at the movies or making it at home, these popcorn puns are sure to add a little extra crunch to your day.

  1. Why did the popcorn break up with the kernel? It felt popped out!
  2. What’s a popcorn’s favorite movie genre? Anything with lots of action scenes—it loves to pop!
  3. Why did the popcorn go to the gym? To get ripped!
  4. What does popcorn do when it’s angry? It pops off!
  5. How does popcorn start a conversation? It pops the question!
  6. What do you call popcorn that’s a star? A pop icon!
  7. Why is popcorn always so optimistic? It’s full of hot air!
  8. What did the popcorn say when it met the butter? “You make my heart pop!”
  9. What’s popcorn’s favorite social media? Pop-ular Instagram accounts.
  10. Why don’t popcorn stalks talk during movies? Because they don’t want to get popped!
  11. How does popcorn make new friends? It pops up unexpectedly!
  12. What’s popcorn’s favorite game? Pop-up tag!
  13. Why did the popcorn start a podcast? It had a lot to pop about.
  14. What’s popcorn’s workout routine? Pop squats.
  15. How do you describe a piece of popcorn who just made a big decision? It finally popped the question!

Corny Dad Jokes

Who doesn’t love a dad joke? These corn-themed dad jokes are a-maize-ing for family gatherings or just for a good chuckle with friends.

  1. How do corn stalks apologize? They say, “I’m really a-maize-d by your forgiveness.”
  2. Why do farmers love corn so much? It’s just a-maize-ing!
  3. What’s corn’s favorite car? A maize-da.
  4. How do corn stalks feel after a long day? A little husky.
  5. Why are corn jokes the best? They’re so corny, they pop!
  6. What did the farmer say when he lost his corn? “Aw, shucks!”
  7. How do corn farmers make decisions? They always go with the stalk of the town.
  8. What’s corn’s favorite party game? Kernel of truth!
  9. Why did the corn join a band? It had a husk for rhythm.
  10. What do you call a baby corn? A kernel!
  11. What do you call an indecisive piece of corn? Corn-fused.
  12. What did the corn farmer win? A kernel of wisdom!
  13. How do corn stalks send secret messages? In kernel code.
  14. What do you get if you cross corn with a pirate? A-maize-ing treasure!
  15. Why did the cornfield hold a meeting? Because it wanted to stalk some sense into everyone!

corn puns

Additional Corn Puns

  1. Corny but true!
  2. Pop over anytime!
  3. Kernel of wisdom.
  4. Stalking my way to you.
  5. Shucks, you’re sweet.
  6. Let’s butter this up.
  7. Popcorn is popping!
  8. Stuck in a husk.
  9. We’re on a roll!
  10. So corny, it’s gold.
  11. A-maize yourself!
  12. Pop the top.
  13. Corn you believe it?
  14. Let’s stalk about it.
  15. Stay husky, my friend.
  16. Pop goes the corn.
  17. What a-maize-ing luck!
  18. No kernel left behind.
  19. Sweet like corn syrup.
  20. Husk it or leave it.
  21. Cream of the crop.
  22. Stalk-tacular!
  23. Got butter?
  24. Shucks, I’m flattered.
  25. Cob-tastic time!
  26. Kernel of truth.
  27. Ear-resistible!
  28. Corn-versation starter.
  29. Popcorn dreams.
  30. Born to be corn.
  31. Don’t be corny!
  32. Let’s pop this party.
  33. Cornsider it done.
  34. Pop it like it’s hot.
  35. Always husk on the bright side.
  36. Stalk it up!
  37. Popped my way in.
  38. A kernel’s journey.
  39. Butter believe it!
  40. Pop and lock.
  41. Corn-tentment at its best.
  42. Let’s kernel this plan.
  43. Cob-solutely right!
  44. Corn-troversy averted.
  45. Shuck and jive.
  46. Ears to you!
  47. Keep it poppin’.
  48. Butter up!
  49. Kern-ival vibes.
  50. You’re kernel-ly the best!


Corn puns are a-maize-ing in their versatility, from classic quips to foodie humor and even corny dad jokes!

These puns offer endless ways to entertain, whether you’re cracking jokes at dinner or impressing your friends at the movies. With 145 to choose from, you’ll never run out of corny humor. Now go ahead and pop some kernels while you enjoy these puns!


What are some funny corn puns?
Corn puns like “Why don’t corn stalks fight? They don’t want to get creamed” or “How does corn get around? On a cob-mobile!” are always guaranteed to make people laugh!

What are good corn jokes?
Good corn jokes involve wordplay like “What’s corn’s favorite music? Pop!” or “Why don’t cornfields get lost? They always know which way to stalk.”

What do you call a single corn kernel?
A single corn kernel can be humorously called a “uni-corn.”

Why are corn jokes called corny?
Corn jokes are called corny because they are simple, cheesy, and often overly obvious—making them funny in a lighthearted way.

What are the best puns about corn?
Some of the best corn puns include “Shucks, it was nothing!” and “What’s popcorn’s favorite game? Pop-up tag!”

How do you make a corn pun?
To make a corn pun, combine common phrases or words with corn-related terms like “pop,” “kernel,” or “cob” for maximum humor!