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145 Fart Puns That Will Make You Crack Up

Fart puns are a gas, and we’ve rounded up the best of the best!

Whether you enjoy a silent but deadly pun or a full-blown wordplay cheek squeak, this ultimate guide will have you in stitches.

With 145 pun-tastic jokes, you’ll never run out of ways to make people laugh, cringe, or both!

Silent But Deadly Puns

  • When someone tells a fart joke, I can’t help but smell the punchline.
  • The fart was so quiet, I almost mist it.
  • Don’t trust silent farts, they’re just plotting a sneaky exit.
  • My silent farts are like ninjas — they strike without warning.
  • That fart was so quiet, even the air got awkward.
  • If farts were words, mine would be a whisper.
  • A fart in church is truly a holy ghost.
  • You may not hear the fart, but the damage is done.
  • My farts are like ghosts — silent, invisible, but you know they’re there.
  • It’s the farts you don’t hear that leave the biggest impression.
  • A silent fart is like a secret weapon — unseen but devastating.
  • They say the best revenge is served cold, but I prefer mine silent and smelly.
  • My quiet fart came with a draft warning.
  • Silent farts leave the room in suspense… then regret.
  • Shh… my farts speak louder than words.

fart puns

Cheeky Squeakers

  • Why do farts never tell secrets? They just squeak out.
  • My fart squeaked out like it had something to say.
  • A squeaky fart is just a toot trying to make a sound decision.
  • I didn’t fart, it’s just my chair expressing itself.
  • Squeaky farts are the sign of a well-oiled machine.
  • If my farts were instruments, they’d play in a minor squeak.
  • That fart had all the squeak but none of the muscle.
  • Squeaky farts: when you try to hold it in but it wants to be heard.
  • My squeaky fart says “hello” in its own special way.
  • I didn’t mean to squeak, it just slipped out.
  • Squeaky farts sound like my chair’s trying to tell me something.
  • Every squeak has its own unique tone. Mine was a high C.
  • That squeaky fart was more of a symphony than a solo.
  • My squeaky fart is just the wind’s way of saying hi.
  • Squeaks are for beginners. Pros go silent.

Loud and Proud Farts

  • When I fart, I go for maximum impact.
  • My fart was so loud, it echoed for days.
  • I didn’t fart, I just gave a free performance.
  • A loud fart is just my body’s way of announcing its presence.
  • My fart could rival a foghorn.
  • The fart was so loud, even the neighbors heard it.
  • If my fart had a volume button, I’d crank it up.
  • I don’t hold in farts — I let them speak for themselves.
  • That fart wasn’t just loud, it was a declaration.
  • When my body farts, it does so with authority.
  • My loud fart could have been mistaken for a passing motorcycle.
  • That fart was so loud, it deserves a round of applause.
  • I prefer my farts like my music — loud and unapologetic.
  • My fart was louder than my alarm clock this morning.
  • You think your fart was loud? Mine could wake the dead!

fart puns

Gassy Giggles

  • Farts are just the universe’s way of keeping things light.
  • If you’re not laughing after a fart, you’re missing the joke.
  • Farts are nature’s way of breaking the ice.
  • Why did the fart cross the road? To get to the punchline.
  • I’d tell you a fart joke, but it’s a little off-gas.
  • Farts and laughs go hand in hand. Or cheek to cheek.
  • Every fart comes with a side of giggles.
  • Laughing at farts is the oldest joke in the book.
  • I don’t always fart, but when I do, I prefer to giggle afterward.
  • Farting and laughing: the best pair since peanut butter and jelly.
  • Why did the fart go to comedy school? To blow the audience away.
  • Farts: bringing comedy gold since the dawn of time.
  • A fart is the shortest distance between two people laughing.
  • Farts are like stand-up comedy — always working on new material.
  • If you don’t laugh at a fart joke, you’re holding in too much.

Stinky Situation Puns

  • My fart smelled so bad, even the skunks complained.
  • That fart was so stinky, the paint peeled off the walls.
  • My fart could clear a room faster than a fire alarm.
  • Ever smelled a fart so bad you could taste it?
  • My fart smells like it came straight from the underworld.
  • That fart was so smelly, even the dog ran away.
  • When my fart lingers, it’s a sign that I’ve made my mark.
  • My fart was so stinky, I almost apologized to the air.
  • If farts had flavors, mine would be ‘rotten egg supreme.’
  • My fart was so bad, even Febreze gave up.
  • The fart was so stinky, the windows cracked.
  • That fart could double as chemical warfare.
  • Ever farted so bad that even you had to leave the room?
  • I didn’t fart, I created an atmospheric disturbance.
  • My fart’s more of a “toxic cloud” than a breeze.

Windy Wordplay

  • I’ve got a PhD in flatulence.
  • Call me the wind whisperer — I fart and disappear.
  • My farts are like Wi-Fi signals, always dropping out at the wrong time.
  • Farts are like the weather — unpredictable and sometimes stormy.
  • I control the wind, one fart at a time.
  • My farts are powered by wind, just like a turbine.
  • I fart with the strength of a thousand breezes.
  • Why hold in a fart? It’s just air passing through.
  • Farts are like wind chimes — delicate, yet surprising.
  • If farts were currents, mine would be a jet stream.
  • My fart could power a small boat on a windy day.
  • Farting is just nature’s way of venting.
  • My farts follow the path of least resistance.
  • Farting is how I make sure the wind is always at my back.
  • My farts could create their own weather system.

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Bonus Fart Puns

  • My fart is like a ninja — silent, but smells deadly.
  • You don’t choose the fart life, the fart life chooses you.
  • When I fart, even the plants lose their will to live.
  • That fart wasn’t just loud, it was ground-breaking.
  • My fart was so strong, it knocked out the Wi-Fi.
  • I farted, and my dog gave me side-eye.
  • If farting were a sport, I’d be a gold medalist.
  • My farts are like fireworks — loud, proud, and unforgettable.
  • I don’t fart, I release personal air conditioning.
  • Farting is just my way of giving back to the atmosphere.
  • If farts were currency, I’d be a billionaire.
  • Why do farts always come at the worst possible time? Nature’s joke, I guess.
  • I farted so loud, the car alarm went off.
  • My farts should come with a health warning.
  • Farts are proof that even the body has a sense of humor.
  • I didn’t fart, it’s just my personality escaping.
  • If farts could talk, mine would scream.
  • A fart is just a high five for your insides.
  • Farts: the language everyone speaks, but no one admits to.
  • That fart was like a bad decision — instant regret.
  • Farting is my superpower, but with great power comes great responsibility.
  • My fart sounded like it had a personal vendetta.
  • My fart was so epic, it should have been in a movie trailer.
  • Don’t be ashamed of farting — it’s nature’s way of keeping things interesting.
  • Farts are like opinions: everyone has them, but no one wants to hear them.
  • That fart was so potent, it left a lasting legacy.
  • I didn’t fart — I just created an air disturbance.
  • Farts: proof that everyone is a little gassy.
  • If my fart had a face, it would be smirking right now.
  • The fart was so loud, it deserves its own Twitter account.
  • My fart could fuel a hot air balloon.
  • When I fart, even the wind bows down.
  • My fart was so smelly, it was a sensory experience.
  • I farted, and suddenly, world peace felt possible.
  • Why hold in farts when you can share them with the world?
  • I didn’t fart, I just gave an air quality test.
  • My fart was so powerful, it could clear a path in a crowded room.
  • If farts were fireworks, mine would be grand finales.
  • A fart in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • Farting: it’s the sound of internal freedom.
  • Farts are the universal language of laughter.
  • My fart echoed like it had its own PA system.
  • Farting is my hidden talent — well, not so hidden anymore.