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145 Library Puns That Are Shelf-Aware!

Libraries aren’t just places for books—they’re havens for wordplay, especially puns!

This ultimate guide offers over 145 library puns to make any bibliophile laugh out loud. 

Literary Library Puns

  • I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!
  • Did you hear about the librarian who slipped? She was in the non-friction section.
  • I’m trying to organize a hide-and-seek competition at the library, but it’s hard to find participants.
  • Libraries are great—there’s always a novel way to spend your time.
  • I was going to write a book on library systems, but I figured it would be overdue.
  • The librarian told me I couldn’t borrow that book on submarines. It was below my level.
  • I was going to make a joke about an overdue book, but let’s not overdue it.
  • Libraries are very orderly places. No shelf-control issues here!
  • The library’s theft alarm is so loud, it’s enough to make you shelf-conscious.
  • Do you know why library books are so brave? They always face their readers.
  • A book fell on my head, but I guess I only have my shelf to blame.
  • Our library is having a pun contest. I hope it doesn’t get too shelf-centered.
  • What’s a librarian’s favorite candy? Book-ers!
  • Why did the librarian break up with the book? It had too many issues.
  • Every time I go to the library, I feel like I’ve read all the books already. I guess I’m shelf-sufficient.

library puns

Bookish Wordplay

  • The book on the history of glue was fascinating, but I couldn’t put it down.
  • I’m reading a book about teleportation—bound to be a page-turner!
  • Have you read the book on insomnia? I hear it’s hard to put to sleep.
  • I read a book about Stockholm syndrome. It was hard to escape, but eventually, I grew to love it.
  • I wanted to be a librarian, but I didn’t have enough shelf-esteem.
  • Reading in the dark? That’s bound to leave you in suspense.
  • That book on tortoises took me forever to finish, but I couldn’t rush it.
  • The book about meditation I’m reading is a bit repetitive, but ohm well.
  • That mystery novel was so predictable—it was an open book.
  • I was reading a horror novel in braille. Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it.
  • I went to the library looking for some light reading. I found a book on helium!
  • What do you call a book on dinosaurs? A trilobite read!
  • I accidentally stole a book from the library. When I returned it, they said, “You’re forgiven, just don’t overdue it again.”
  • Books on flight? They really take off!
  • My friend tried to read a book about mazes, but he kept getting lost in it.

Librarian Humor

  • Librarians don’t take jokes about overdue books lightly.
  • When I’m in a hurry, I book it to the library!
  • Librarians are excellent detectives—they know how to read between the lines.
  • Why are librarians so good at problem-solving? They’re always finding answers in the stacks.
  • The librarian is always on time. She knows how to make time fly by booking her day.
  • I asked the librarian if she could recommend a good book. She said, “I could, but that would spoil the ending.”
  • What do you call a librarian on a rollercoaster? Booked and thrilled.
  • Libraries are very well-organized, but sometimes they can be a little overdue with the fun.
  • The library’s website crashed, and now it’s a real e-book disaster!
  • Did you hear about the new comic book librarian? She has a great sense of shelf-assuredness.
  • The librarian got into a pun contest with a patron. It was quite the storybook showdown.
  • What does a librarian use to organize a space party? The Dewey-iverse!
  • My friend tried to be a librarian, but she didn’t have the spine for it.
  • Librarians may not read every book, but they sure know how to get a good read on you.
  • The librarian’s motto? “Stack them high, but don’t shelf yourself short!”

library puns

Book Genres Puns

  • I love reading fiction; it’s where I get my novel ideas.
  • Mystery books are always a page-turner—no matter how much they suspense me!
  • Why did the romance novel cry? Because it had too many plot twists!
  • Non-fiction books are like documentaries, except they don’t move. You can say they’re in a state of pause.
  • I just finished a thriller—it was murderously good!
  • Science fiction books have so much space in them!
  • Fantasy novels are great—they’re a whole different world!
  • The cookbook was so good, it had me eating up the pages.
  • I read a book about cloud formations—it was quite over my head.
  • What’s the scariest part of a horror book? Turning the page!
  • That book about history? It was the past page that really got me.
  • Why did the autobiography fall off the shelf? It couldn’t keep it together.
  • Comic books are drawn to a whole new level of humor.
  • I’d tell you about that travel book, but it’s a long journey to the last page.
  • The historical novel I’m reading? It’s ancient history!

Library-Related Puns

  • Did you hear about the library ghost? It’s fully booked.
  • The librarian called in sick. I hope they get well-read soon!
  • Library Wi-Fi is like a good plot—strong and uninterrupted.
  • What’s a library’s favorite mode of transport? Bookmobiles!
  • I’m planning to start a library, but I’m worried I’ll go broke on shelf-expenditure.
  • The librarian was sad about returning all her vacation books—she had to shelf her plans.
  • Libraries are like treasure chests—filled with literary gold!
  • Why did the librarian make a reading playlist? She loves page tunes.
  • The library just installed a coffee machine. They said it was for the sake of novel ideas.
  • At the library, the books do all the talking.
  • Libraries are cool—they have a lot of shelf-confidence!
  • I tried to take a nap in the library, but I didn’t want to be caught shelf-indulgent.
  • How do libraries handle their books so well? They’ve got a strong binding agreement.
  • The librarian’s desk is always a chapter ahead!
  • What’s the librarian’s favorite weather? A bookstorm!

Book Titles Puns

  • “War and Piece of Cake”—an epic about snacks.
  • “A Tale of Two Sittings”—a novel that’s hard to put down.
  • “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Loan”—a story of magical library dues.
  • “To Read a Mockingbird”—an inspiring tale of literary passion.
  • “Pride and Bookshelves”—about well-organized reading habits.
  • “The Great Booksby”—a tale of extravagant reading parties.
  • “Little Library on the Prairie”—a historical look at rural reading.
  • “Of Mice and Books”—where rodents meet their reading material.
  • “Gone With the Spine”—a dramatic story of fragile books.
  • “The Catcher in the Reeds”—about a library by a river.
  • “Moby-Shelve”—a whale of a tale involving large books.
  • “Lord of the Libraries”—the epic quest to organize every book.
  • “The Fellowship of the Shelf”—where librarians unite!
  • “Anne of Green Stacks”—a story about the love of reading.
  • “Wuthering Volumes”—a tale of windy days in the library.

library puns

More Library Laughs!

  • What’s a librarian’s favorite tool? A book mark.
  • I went to the library and asked for a book on Pavlov. The librarian said, “Sure, it rings a bell.”
  • I’m a huge fan of libraries—they’re all booked up!
  • If a book is due, does that make it a deadline?
  • The library has a lot of stories, and not just in its books!
  • I gave up my job at the library. It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
  • Why do librarians love math books? They have all the right angles.
  • What do you call a librarian who loves baseball? A catcher in the stacks!
  • I returned my chemistry book to the library. It had too many reactions.
  • Libraries are the best place to find love—they have so many dating materials.
  • Why did the book bring a ladder? To reach the top shelf!
  • The detective couldn’t solve the case, so he headed to the library for more clues.
  • The history book felt left out—no one seemed to care about the past anymore.
  • I asked the librarian if I could use her pen. She said, “Write on!”
  • What’s a librarian’s favorite animal? A bookworm!
  • Libraries are magical places—they’re stacked with enchanted words.
  • The library is where I go when I want to be in good company with my fiction friends.
  • I asked the librarian for a book on magic. She said, “Sorry, it’s checked out by a wizard.”
  • The librarian made a pun about geography, but it didn’t quite land.
  • The library was having a great book sale—everything was a steal!
  • What’s the librarian’s favorite vegetable? Book-choy!
  • Libraries are like time machines—they take you anywhere, any time.
  • When the library got Wi-Fi, it became a hotspot for learning.
  • The librarian went to therapy because she had too much shelf-doubt.
  • I had a tough day, so I went to the library to let off some steam.
  • The library has the best advice: “Book your future!”
  • When the new librarian started, it was quite the bookwarming.
  • I’ve been borrowing a lot of books recently. I guess you could say I’m a library regular.
  • Libraries don’t just give books; they give experiences.
  • I thought about starting a pun club at the library, but it seemed like too much wordplay.
  • The best thing about the library? The endless supply of pages to turn.
  • My library card is my favorite form of ID.
  • Librarians have the best shelf discipline.
  • The library is the only place where silence speaks volumes.
  • What’s the best way to become well-read? Start at the library!
  • My library books are overdue, but my love for reading is always right on time!
  • Reading books at the library is like having a million worlds at your fingertips.
  • The library is a page-turner’s paradise.
  • I’m on a first-name basis with my librarian—we’re book buddies.
  • What’s a librarian’s favorite holiday? Read-ependence Day!
  • Libraries are where dreams are bound.
  • I asked for a romance book at the library, and they handed me a book about soulmates.
  • Why did the librarian take up yoga? For better shelf-care.
  • Libraries are like open doors to a world of wisdom.
  • What do libraries and gardens have in common? They both grow minds!
  • Libraries are like chocolates; you never know which book is going to be a sweet surprise.


With over 145 witty and laugh-inducing library puns, you’ve now got the perfect mix to amuse any book-lover.

Whether you’re a librarian, a dedicated reader, or someone who loves wordplay, these puns will leave you shelf-shocked in the best possible way!